

(working title)

  I don't recall what I dreamed, but whatever it was inspired a story idea that sounds pretty cool.

  I spent too much time half asleep, thinking about the story, but this is what I got.

  BTW:  Normally, I would not share a story idea like this, but that's only because I normally think there's a chance I might eventually write the story, and I don't want to give anything away.

  In this case, I already have enough story ideas that I don't have the time to write, and this one is not anywhere near thought out enough to even think about starting.

  Still, it has some neat aspects that I want to share.

  I'm thinking of it in the first person point of view.  A group of people from the future, say around 23??, pull me out of the present right before I'm about to die.  (I later realized the similarity to the movie, Freejack).

  I fell asleep while driving, and I go over a cliff into a river or something.  It's some kind of death where no one would have ever found me.

  So, these people pull me to the future, and implant a remote time device into me that is tied into my own biology.

A little about the future:

  In this future, the government got so fed up with the crime rate and laws being abuse and ignored, and frivolous lawsuits, that they kind of gave it back to the people.

  There were large cities that were sort of government owned, or even privately owned, and these cities had well defined laws and regulations.

  They were clean and wealthy and pretty much safe, and if you did anything wrong, you were either arrested and punished or exiled.

  There were other cities and towns that were more "normal", where people were a little freer.  They were not as clean and shiny as the government-ran cities, because the government had less iron-fisted involvement.

  The government was too strained trying to maintain a certain level of "control" over every city and town, and they were catching a lot of grief from citizens, so they decided to let the citizens have them, for the most part, and the government focused its main attention on certain areas.

  Understand that this was not a bad thing.  People could travel between the two types of cities as they wished.  As far as the law was concerned, in the government cities, all people were equal.

  In the regular cities, the government just decided to let the citizens deal with the laws on their own.  It was very common for people to carry guns, and vigilantism was allowed.

  There was an understanding among the general population that people did want to live peaceful, happy lives, and if you decided to try to steal or rape or something else, you were likely to get shot by just about anyone.  Somehow, it did make for a reduced crime rate.

  There were still police, but they truly did work for the people.  They did not arrest or pursue anyone unless a citizen asked them to.  And if someone were arrested, then they would receive the government justice.

About the group of people:

  While the government is not anyone's enemy, strictly speaking, there is still a sort rebel faction within the government who thinks things could still be better in the country.

  They believe in making the country better by changing the mindsets of the citizens themselves, instead of the laws that govern them.  They want to inspire the people to better themselves.  They want to spread wisdom.

  These people, who technically work for the government, in a government city, have secretly invented a time machine, and they brought me to their time, right before I died.

  My mission was to basically serve as a bodyguard for a particular female.  The people knew about a number of occasions where she would be killed or severely injured, which would prevent her from eventually becoming the person who would begin the path to fulfilling their goals.

  My job is to keep her from getting killed or severely hurt.  Some threats would be simple things, like her getting shot by a mugger, or just getting caught in the crossfire of a drive-by, and later on, the threats would be from assassins hired by people who do not like what she's accomplishing.

The remote time device implant:

  This is the really cool part.  This device is tied into my own biology.  If I were to be killed, or severely injured, the device would know it by my bio-signs, and it would then pull me out of the past from right before I was killed or injured.  Just a matter of seconds.  It would render me virtually immortal.

  The one drawback, and they would warn me of this, is that I could get myself caught in a loop, for lack of a more accurate word.

  Example:  I fall from a building onto a pipe.  The pipe is through my back and sticking out of my stomach.  The device will bring my uninjured body from the past, but it brings it to the same location and position.

  Basically, I still end up with a pipe through my stomach, so it just keeps pulling me out of the past, over and over, progressing backward, an instant at a time, forming an increasing span of time where I don't exist.  This, of course, following the time theory that would allow that.

The question of why me:

  I would not find out until later that the group that brought me back had actually been visited by some people even further in the future, by a few hundred years or so.

  They had come back to tell them that I was the person who would succeed.  The first group would have brought back various people, one at a time, believing that if they failed, their future members would go back in time to let them know.

  Basically, that had happened, but those times were pretty much erased when the future members actually send someone back to tell them which candidate actually succeeded.  In essence, letting them not even bother with the people who failed.

  Well, that's the bones of it.  There would be other detail stuff, a little romance and whatnot.  Lots of action and me getting killed in various interesting, but still not loop-forming ways.

  Though, there could be some instances where a second person could break the loop.  Like if I was pinned to a wall by a retractable spike, but I could not retract the spike myself.  I would keep being brought from the past until someone else retracted the spike for me.
