
"Love Story Movie Scene"

(working title)

  I think that working on the story might be stirring my creative juices, again.

  I had a dream, close to morning, and I started waking up, so I conciously, albeit drowsily, took over and developed it further into a fantasy/idea/story/whatever the heck you want to call it.

  The dream started in what used to be the Wal-Mart building, here in town, years ago, before it went Super-Center.

  In the dream, which primarily took place in the front lobby, I'm not exactly sure what the place was, but kids in their late teens and early 20's would go there to have fun, but also to drink.

  I never saw the inside of the building to see what went on there, but it wasn't quite a night club.  There was a very non-specific feel, though my general impression was sort of a cross between a night club and a boardwalk carnival, but without rides.

  FYI, the lobby is mostly glass, and it's dark outside.

  The main subject of the dream was a girl, maybe 17, with short, dark hair.  She was there with two male friends, but only one would qualify as a close friend.

  That friend was the one that came with her, I think.  Some things were unclear, because, quite frankly, they weren't relevant.  But the other guy was there with his own friends.

  She was smiling and socializing to a degrees, but it was all passive, because she stayed with that little group only briefly.  The dream started while she was making some last comment right before she and the close friend were about to move on down the long, narrow lobby.

  They move on, and she somehow now has a flask-shaped glass bottle of some kind of liquor, and she's drinking it periodically, but excessively, to the shagrin of the male friend who doesn't drink.

  I don't have any background for her, but she's less than happy about her life, for one reason or another.  She doesn't have a boyfriend, and I don't get a distinct feeling that she recently broke up with one, or anything like that, but there is a general sense that it's guy related, like she wants a relationship, but every guy she considers she quickly finds is substandard, so to speak.

  Something I can related to, to a degree, but I don't get depressed about it.

  The close friend cares for her.  He does not quite have a crush on her, but he does "love" her.  That night, he's sticking with her to make sure nothing bad happens to her, but also to have her company.

  I'm not sure exactly where I half-conciously started taking over, but I think it was right about when she finished the bottle, and was unable to walk by herself.

  He was holding her up, helping her walk, and since she was pretty much out of it, he decided it was the time to get her home.

  They had no vehicle, so he was going to walk her home.  Either in about the middle of the parking lot, or near the street, he decided to just get her on his back, piggy-back style, and carry her that way.

  At points, it was a little difficult, and ended up being bounced and jostled a little, which resulted in her puking down the front of his right shoulder.

  If that wasn't enough, there's always a guy, on the side of that road, who takes Polaroid photos of pretty much any male and female together who could even remotely pass for a couple, and then harasses them to pay $5 for the picture, whether they wanted it taken or not.

  That guy takes their picture, even though the friend has his hand out attempting to block the camera and is saying no.  The friend eventually just gives him the money so he'll go away, and even though he doesn't want the photo, he takes it with him, because it is an unflattering, unwilling picture of her also, and he does not want to just leave it on the ground where anyone can find it.

  He gets her home, and up the stairs to her room, which, I didn't notice until now, is rather large and nice.  It's a long room, and she has her own complete bathroom basically opposite the foot of the bed.

  He lays her on the right side of the bed (right, when laying in the bed.  left, when facing from the foot) on her right side, near the edge, and puts her trash can on the floor next to her head, in case she pukes again.  He puts a towel under the can, in case she misses.

  He takes off his shirt, goes to the bathroom to clean up a little, and throws away the photo.  He goes back to the room, sits on the floor beside the trash can, and turns on the tv, on low volume, and stays with her.

  Still out of it, she pukes again, but it's a little more projectile than he anticipated, and it get partially on the inside side of the can, and the rest across his pants legs.

  After he wipes her mouth with a tissue, and wipes off the side of the trash can, he goes back to the bathroom, takes off his pants, and cleans up a little, again.

Love Story Movie Scene floorplan

  He leaves his pants and shirt, I'm gonna say on a tall close-lid hamper, because it works, and it wasn't something ever established.  His clothes have wet spots where he rinsed them in the sink, but it's still apparent that they were puked on.

  Now, in only his socks and boxers, he goes back to the floor by the trash can, but brings a towel to put over his legs, just in case.

  Hours pass, and he stays awake as long as he can, but some time after dawn, he eventually falls asleep still sitting up, and with the tv on.

  An hour or so later, she wakes up, not feeling well at all, and she's confused.  She sees him on the floor, and she sees the whole setup.  At this point, she's simply taking in information.  She has not yet started processing it to any effective degree.

  She goes to the bathroom, and sees his clothes, and she's starting to put some things together.  She rinses her mouth out, and then happens to see the photo in the trash.  She picks it up to look at it.

  The picture tells her that he carried her drunken, unconcious body home on his back, that she puked on him, and that he spent $5 on a photo that he didn't want taken (this obvious because his hand was out trying to block it, but largely failing).

  It's only just starting to hit her about how much trouble she caused him.  She starts the shower running, and begins taking off her clothes.  Down to her bra and panties, she looks at him once more before she closes and locks the door.

  She takes off the rest of her clothes, gets in the shower, and as the water is washing over her, it all fully sinks in, and she starts crying in shame.  She realizes what kind of person she has been being, and she see what kind of person he has been to her.

  She stops crying while still in the shower, but she finishes her shower as intended.  She puts on some pajamas, leaves the bathroom, turns off the TV, and then wakes him up enough to get him to get onto the right side of the bed where she was, but facing the middle.

  He's so tired that he doesn't even realize what's happening, but he lays down and continues sleeping on his side.  She covers him with a blanket, and then lays down on the other side of the bed, facing him.  She holds one of his hands, and just watches him sleep, finally realizing what he means to her.

  It's certainly not a new basic concept.  It's been done many times in movies, but I've never heard of this specific series of events, nor the guy having endured so much on her behalf.  They've always been kind of weak in my opinion.  Nothing that really drives anything home on a gutteral level.

  So, anyway.  That's something I'd like to see in a movie.
