
"The Prequel: Why Mike"

  It's kind of a hard question to answer.  Even as I write and think of what to say, I'm formulating and adjusting the story.

  When opening a portal as a group, you're still getting a result that best caters to the desires of all persons involved, which is why it's best to focus on all the same qualities, but that does not always happen.

  Sensha, Grom, Bob, and anyone else that might be in the group, are in need of someone who can help them in whatever emergency they're in, but they did not have enough time to really analyze what qualities they really needed.  No time for an extensive discussion group.

  Sensha's thoughts were the primary influence, but everyone else had their own specifications thrown in.  Without great focus, even your subconscious thoughts can influence.

  Though Grom would never reveal it, part of what he wanted was someone who could help him in his efforts to save his kingdom, but he did not really have anything too specific in mind.

  Sensha wanted someone who could help them in their more immediate emergency, but she also wanted someone who was more intuitive.  Someone who would be able to quickly learn as well as be able to just get a feel for what would be the right move.

  She had fighting skill, and she had her own intuition, but she wanted someone with a greater intuition, but also be able to bring a new perspective to situations.

  Because she did not have time to focus well enough, a few more personal desires snuck in.

  She wanted an equal, in terms of personality: Someone who she would want as a mate, if she had not forsaken romance for being a warrior, and that person would do the same.  She wanted the best ally she could ever have.

  Also, deep down, she had that desire to find the mysterious man of legend.

  And, of course, it would have to be someone quite willing to help them.

  To everyone's confusion, but later, not to their disappointment, their portal opened to an outwardly unimpressive guy.

  Mike was already an intuitive guy, but being on the other planet, his intuition was enhanced, which also helped him learn skills more quickly.

  I have no plot for the prequel.

Rejected Idea 1: The Great Enemy
