
"Rejected Idea 6: The Swamp Halvine"

  Actually, I just forgot about them until recently, but I don't really have any place for them in the story anyway, so I'll just file them under rejected ideas.

  On the larger continent, there would be Halvine that live in the swamp areas, and in a particular swamp there would be a tiny fungus or algae or something that is similar to the muck on the smaller continent.

  It would release microscopic spores into the air, and those spores would attach to everything and grow and reproduce, but because it is so small, even at maturity, it simply makes everything it's on appear to be the same color as it is, which is a green so dark that it looks black.

  If you live long enough in the area, then it gets into your skin, somewhat like a tattoo, except that it covers your entire body.  It also gets into your hair, changing its color as well.

  Fortunately, it's a symbiotic relationship.  Your body provides nutrients and moisture, while the fungus, or whatever, produces an enzyme or something that is somehow beneficial.  Never devised the details in that regard.

  The idea is expandable to maybe some other swamp having a similar situation, but of a different color, like a less dark blue or orange, etc....
