
"The Cast: Scene 1"

  The only name I was ever determined to keep was Sensha.  All other character names are basically given for convenience and are highly subject to change.

  I'm uncertain about all the details of the beginning of the tale, but I imagine it beginning with Sensha and, let's call him Griffon.

  Sensha is a female, half-breed warrior.  I always imagined Victoria Pratt playing her in the movie, but that was way back when.  If you look her up, then it will give you an idea of how I picture Sensha.

  Sensha is unmistakably a good guy, but not goody-two-shoes.  People who know her trust her implicitly, and good people who don't know her often find themselves trusting her very quickly.

  She's rarely ever negative about things.  She's skilled, strong, fearless and confident, but also humble.

  Griffon is a wanna-be warlord who hasn't actually made it much farther than gang leader.  Way, way deep down, he's a good guy wanting to get out, but on the outside, he thinks he has to be a bad guy to get anywhere in life.

  He does bad things, but never anything truly vile.  His gang consists of idiots and low-rent thugs.

  They have encountered each other on previous occasions.  She has coincidentally been in the same town where he was trying to strong-arm the locals, and she has easily stopped him.

  Since their first encounter, she could see that he was not truly bad, so she would pity him while defeating him.  She would never try to convince him that he was good, though.  He was mostly harmless, and she hoped that he would come to realize his inner nature on his own.

  To him, she became an arch-nemesis, or so he over-exaggerated.  Being defeated is not all too uncommon for him, but the same person rarely defeated him twice, though mainly because he would never return to places of his defeat.  Someone also never defeated him with her attitude about it.

  He subconsciously picked up on hints of both respect and pity from her.  These conflicting feelings added to his internal conflict, and then a sort of mild obsession was born.

  He did not chase her down, but if he happened to get word that she was around, he would try to capture her.  Not lead by any clear goal, his thinking never went passed capture.  He basically just wanted to finally have the upper hand on her, but never thought about what to do with it.

  The story begins with Sensha tied to a table.  He actually did manage to capture her.  There's dialogue, but it eventually becomes clear to both of them that he has no plan.

  She been humoring him, but since he's finally realized his futility, she's no longer amused, and she has something else to do anyway, so she escapes, defeating him yet again, but this time, exposing him to himself for what he is.

06. The Cast: Scene 2
