
"Rejected Idea 5: Grom 1.0"

  The original, general "Grom" character.

  There's another character I'm thinking of giving a small part in the story.  I'm not sure what I will name him, but he will be one tough little bastard.

  I'm thinking he will be a larger of the dwarf-like people (though, I'm not certain.  I picture him as about four or four and a half feet tall.  Maybe a half-breed, that'll work), and he will be a wandering warrior, and on the side of good, but he's definitely got an attitude.

  He doesn't have much mental skill, and he's not a master of weapons, but he can take anything you give him.  He's covered in scars, because he's suffered many injuries, due to what he does lack in skill, but he doesn't let pain get to him.

  While your sword is in his side, he's using that as an opportunity to cut off your head.  He's pretty well known by the healers, and it's fortunate that he does naturally heal a little quicker than most.

  He's a sort of mercenary.  Many of his fights are because he was paid to take care of someone's problem.  If a warlord is threatening a village, then, for a small price, he'll take care of it, though he's not above the occasional charity.

  He's a legend in his own time.  He's a guy whose almost died of injuries more time than he can remember, and he laughs at all of them.  He's one of those people who are just too stubborn to die.

Rejected Idea 6: The Swamp Halvine
