The Charming Imp Called Love
I saw her once
I saw her twice
We spoke together
And it was nice

Then for a while
I saw nothing
A couple of might be's
But never a sure thing

Then I saw
An almost certain
And my heart
Began ahurtin'

I wrote some words
I hope she read
She's a major thing
Inside my head

She uses up
A lot of thought
Sometimes I'm bothered
But usually not

Obsessed you say
Well that may be
Confused I'd say
And don't like to be

I think I want her
But I don't know
If she wants me
I want to know

I've really stepped
In something here
So far that it's seeping
Into one ear

It's in my mouth
And in my eyes
It's much deeper
Than I realize
The seventh Kass poem.

This one pretty much sums everything up, to that point in time.