Wednesday, May 03, 2006 Previous List Next
The Thing About "Gay Marriage"

  The "gay marriage" issue is unbelievably simple.  Something a lot of people don't seem to realize is that there is a difference between general definition and legal definition.

  By general definition, a person can marry pretty much anyone or anything they wish.  If you decide to devote yourself to any other person, and they to you, then the two of you are married, automatically, but many seem to fail to comprehend the concept of a legal definition.

  Legality is kind of like when choosing to play a certain game.  There are certain rules, and if you break them, you suffer the consequences, and you cannot reasonably expect to receive what those rules restrict.

  The legal definition of a marriage specifies the union of a man and a woman.  Regardless of the reason, that is the rule.  What you do have is the right to lobby for a change in that definition, but until that change is made, gay "marriage" is a legal contradiction.  There is no such thing as a legal gay marriage.

  Now, if you're a person who cares about the benefits received from the government that legally married people receive, then something like a civil union provides it, but it cannot be legally called a marriage, because it does not fit the definition.  If it is truly the benefits that you care about, then that is of no consequence to you.

  There are, however, many people fighting for the title of "marriage" for the recognized legal union of members of the same sex.  These people are spoiled brats.  They want it simply because they're told they can't have it.  It's pure ego.

  They might as well be angry that the sum of 2 and 2 is not called seven.

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