Monday, July 24, 2006 Previous List Next
Hurray for Penn & Teller!

  Let me start with something a little off topic, just to get it out of the way.  I've been pretty busy, in various capacities.  In regards to my website updating, I've gotten through most of the poems, though none uploaded.  I'm waiting until I get all of them done, for the sake of continuity.  I'm trying to get at least 10 done per day.

  Because of that, and the other things I've been doing, I haven't made a blog entry in a while.  I haven't even been to the site but about three times in almost a month.  I've technically had some time to make entries, but my mind hasn't really been into it.  There's a limit to how many irons I like in my fire.

  This is not to say that I haven't had ideas.  It's just that the ideas I've had were not fleshed out sufficiently, or mostly, I was not able to sit down for hours and focus on writing the ones that are.  I was going to give some examples of what I've had in mind, but they're not in mind at this particular moment.

  You see, I've just watched some episodes of Penn & Teller: Bullshit.  The most recent being about college.  That's Season 3, Episode 6, if you're interested.  Anyway, about half way through it, I was mentally dancing on air.  I was filled with a special joy.  I think that episode may actually beat the P.E.T.A. episode out as my favorite, so far, and that P.E.T.A. one was a damn good episode.  That was Season 2, Episode 1, if you're interested.  I felt so good that I just had to blog it.

  Before I go into details, I want to explain my feelings about Penn & Teller.  I disagree with them about some things.

  #1.  They're atheists, and I think claiming to know god doesn't exist is just as reasonable and logical as claiming to know god does exist... neither of which I believe are reasonable or logical.  And a belief in no god is no less rediculous than a belief in a god.

  By the way, that reminded me of one the things I had in mind to talk about: how true atheism = anarchy.

  #2.  They seem to follow a policy of, "If it feels good, do it, as long as you're not hurting anyone else."  I'm not quoting them, in case you were wondering.  I believe such a policy lacks wisdom.

  #3.  Well, I can't think of anything else, right now, but I'm sure there's something.  The point is, I'm not bowing at the alter of Penn & Teller.  I don't have to agree with everything you say in order to support you and give you kudos or to be your friend.

  I'm not absolutely certain of their political affiliation, because they've never said what it is, to my knowledge, but if I had to guess, I'd say with about 80% certainty, they are Libertarians.

  For any of you that may not be clear on this, that is not the same thing as a Liberal.  Libertarians (like Bill Maher, FYI) believe in having liberties.  They believe in a limited government that does not tell you what to do, for the most part.  This is very different from a Liberal, who either wittingly or unwittingly support huge government that regulates and controls every damn thing under the sun.

  You'd think otherwise from a party called "Liberal", but they corner the market on hypocricy, so it's not really that much of a surprise.  As a side-note, I've noticed that the majority of the Bullshit they feature is primarily stuff heavily supported by Liberals.  Hot fucking crap I love their show, and I rarely use the word love in that manner.

  Back to colleges, it was so awesome, so delightful, so giddy-smile-inducing, to hear and see, non-Conservatives (for a change) pointing out some very specific Liberal Bullshit, and as much as calling it that.  But what delighted me the most was someone pointing out that no one has the right to not feel insulted.  I feel like saying it loud and proud.

  NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO NOT FEEL INSULTED!  It's nowhere in the constitution.  No one fucks free speech up the ass like Liberals.

  They talked about all the PC crap.  They exposed some Liberal racism.  They exposed, with regard to colleges, how Liberals are taking freedoms away from people and pissing all over the constitution.  And how, as one guy put it, and I'm paraphrasing, here, how the speech restrictions are essentially telling Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Gays and Lesbians, that they're too weak to go to college.

  Of course, Liberalism requires weak people in order to function.  They need to be weak and to be kept weak, otherwise you lose control over them and they start doing horrible things like take care of themselves and be able to use common sense.

  The episode had me wanting to dance in the streets.  If I had the money, I would buy everyone a copy of their whole series.  Holy crap, I am so thankful they made that series, and I hope they continue for many seasons exposing bullshit.  They changed my mind about circumcision.

  As a little bonus, here's a little taste of their Holier Than Thou episode, Season 3, Episode 5.

  Mother Theresa spent the millions she was given on building nunneries and none of it on the poor, Gandhi hated blacks, and the Dali Lama wants Tibet to go back to the way it was before China took it over... which was with priest ruling in the lap of luxury while everyone else lived in abject poverty... serving them.  Whoooo! Free Tibet!

  Oh, and he funded guerrilla warfare, until it was discovered by the people who charitably gave the money.  They stopped giving him the money, and then he denounced violence.  It was good for P.R..

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