Wednesday, May 16, 2007 Previous List Next
Random Stuff 18

  In late 19th century, astronomer Robert Monger studied hundreds of years of sun spot records.  He noticed something that happened in the late 17th century and the 18th century.  The number of sun spots diminished to a fraction of what they are today.

  From 1645 to 1715, sunspots had effectively disappeared.  It correlated almost exactly with the time called The Little Ice Age.

  Hmmm.  I wonder if any scientists have ever theorized that maybe activity on the sun has an effect on the Earth's climate.  I know it seems crazy, the idea that the sun effects our weather, but this little coincidence might be worth looking into, in light of modern day climate change.

  Maybe that crazy ol' sun is up to some kind of shenanigans.

  Many weeks later....

  Hadn't done this in a while.  Been busy with one thing or another.  Working the "job".  Making sure my TiVo doesn't get too full.  Downloading stuff in bulk.  Working on my second compatibility quiz for OKCupid.

  Actually, I haven't done anything on the quiz in a while.  Call it a combination of burnout and a sense of other things being neglected.  It's mainly the design that I have to work on, but I feel the quiz itself is lacking, so I need time to realize what that is.  I don't know how long that will take, though.

  Here's something interesting in the world of politics.  The approval rate for the House is 5 points lower than that of the president.  In possibly related news, there's evidence that more and more people are seeing the folly of Liberalism.  We just need more people seeing the folly of Socialism.

  I was thinking a little about something, yesterday.  Now, I'm no capitalist wizard, so there may be some fatal flaw to this idea, but here it is.

  Let the government apply a bare minimum set of standards for businesses, meaning do away with most of these opinion driven restrictions and regulations, and let businesses run themselves basically how they want to.  No minimum wage, no enforced equal opportunity stuff, etc....

  Let the government become it's own entity in the marketplace, and let them apply whatever standards they (by virtue of the citizens of the country) want to be applied.  Let the Klan Inn offer service only to whites, and the Malcolm X Apartments only to blacks, and the Amalgam Suites to anyone they feel they need at the time, but the government-ran apartments must not discriminate by race, color, age, etc....

  Let the government open a variety of restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, clothing outlets, farms, insurance agencies, realtors, pest control, you name it.  Do that, and then stop taxing its citizens.  All profits go to the treasury to do what the government should be limiting itself to doing to begin with... that and paying its employees.

  I think that's pretty much the only kind of government program that will ever work.  To be fair, there has been about one, or possibly two, government programs that actually succeeded, but given the vast number of those that didn't and aren't, I don't think it's(they're) worth counting in this idea.

  In case you haven't heard by now, real science has shown that rises in CO2 levels come AFTER increases in global temperature.  Yet another nail in the coffin of the Human-Caused Global Warming religion.  Even Al Gore has stopped claiming it's science.

  But to be fair, do you see what pollution and nuclear waste has done to this poor unicorn?

Poor, defenseless unicorn.

  And look at this antelope.  His leg is stuck that way.

Poor, defenseless antelope.

  See what household greenhouse gas emissions have done to this Dalmatian?

Poor, defenseless Dalmatian.

  People are sad, dammit!

Poor, defenseless sad people.

  This is the intro to a cartoon that I really liked as a kid.  Looking back at it, I think it was fairly ahead of it's time.  The art is smooth and vivid.  I like the way it's drawn.  I like the intro song.  Aimee's kind of hot.

  It was pretty unique for its time.

  If you're interested in watching any episodes, then you can visit this person's video list at YouTube.

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