Friday, June 15, 2007 Previous List Next
Rainbow and some stuff

  Question:  Why do some Liberals want to instill policies that Europe has already tried and are now moving away from because they failed miserably?

  Especially this universal health care thing.  Europe wants out of it, Cuba has it and Michael Moore is treating it like it's the best in the world.  He and other people touting it don't tell you about the huge number of people that it royally screws over.

  Here's some fundamental facts about universal health care, in and of itself.  It's controlled entirely by the government.  The government decides who gets treated for what, when, and how well.  Now throw in the inherent tendencies of any government program, which is beaurocracy.

  It's a nice idea on paper, getting free health care, but have a talk to all the people who died from having to wait to get treated.  Oh shoot, they're dead... because they never were treated in time... and not for lack of trying on their part.

  What Michael Moore doesn't talk about are the droves of poor people in Cuba who can't get the treatment they want, because they're put way down low on the list below richer, more "important" people.

  Check this out about a hydrogen fueled car.

Fill your car up with aluminum

  On Thursday, June 14, 2007, it rained.  When the rain cloud blew passed, it put us between it a the evening sun.  Though it spent most of it's time with the top obscured by clouds, there was a large rainbow across the sky.

  I haven't seen a rainbow is many, many years.  To my knowledge, I've previously seen only one full rainbow, when I was a kid.  I think I've seen about 2 or 3 partial rainbows that lasted only about a minute.

  This rainbow lasted about an hour.  Here's some pictures.  Clicking the image will open a new window or tab featuring the picture in full size.

  This is actually two different pictures pieced together.  I used a straightening tool to align them.  The alignment is not perfect, but you can't really tell unless you're looking really closely.

  This picture shows how it was actually a double rainbow.  In real life, you could see the whole second rainbow, though most of it was extremely faint.  It did not show up in any pictures.

  This picture just seems like an all-around not bad picture, apart from the time stamp being on it.

  I also took a couple of digital videos of it and edited them into one video.  It's 47 seconds long.

  I've been working on creating some new graphics for my website.  It's been taking a while because I've been working through different ideas and methods.  Making improvements, fine-tuning.  There's been an evolution to it.

  And here are the main periods of that evolution.  Keep in mind that these are rejected ideas.

This was a sort of experiment with the idea of a capped plumbing pipe end. The pipe idea came from the use of gradients.

This was my first attempt towards a U-shaped pipe connection equivalent.

As you can tell, it lacks some realism, but it's still kind of neat.

I wanted to be able to accommodate 600x800 screens, but the button size I was using would not let them all be lined up beside each other.

Not only would it have expanded the browser window beyond the natural state, but it would have bunched the buttons together, eliminating the appearance of pipe between them, since the sizing would have been relative.

So, I had this idea, but it would limited my working space for content, plus, I couldn't figure out how to get the image to go all the way to the edge of the browser.  There's a 10px buffer that defeated the intent of the appearance.

This one is an experiment with pipe placement.

This is a large pipe look with smaller buttons.  I had to change the names on some of the buttons because of length.

This was an alternative to having the pipe extent past the end buttons.


  At this point, I had created the gradients from scratch by calculating using the RGB.  Actually, it was just the G, since I used no R or B.

  The good part is that they look awesomely smooth.  The bad part is that they no longer look like metal plumbing pipes.  The shafts look more like metallic knitting needles, and the buttons look more like beads, though mainly only when "on" the shaft.

  The shafts do look really cool, though, so I will use them in some capacity, like as separators, but I have abandoned the pipe concept.

  It took a lot of doing and redoing and getting measurements just right to get the final results.  There's also some things I haven't shown here.  I also still have my main entry page to redo, but I've been taking a little break from it all.  Got a little close to burnout, plus other things have been neglected.

  Something you might find interesting is that I integrated the Fibonacci sequence into the design.

  1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610.

  It goes higher, of course, but I kept it below 800 in my designs.

  The dimensions of the imaged are of the sequence, the text px height is of it, even the color shade if of it.  All with the intent of maximizing natural visual appeal.

  Well, I've got other things to do, like try to figure out if I will be able to get my own music files set as the ringtones for our new cell phones.

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