Monday, October 22, 2007 Previous List Next
Renovation - Week 2

Monday, October 15, 2007

  I finally had a proper day off.  I slept in and slept adequately, and I didn't do anything but watch tv.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

  I got to sleep in a little, but there's normal work on the agenda, if we ever get the opportunity.

  So I hear that Nancy Pelosi is pushing for an old resolution that would piss off one of our few real allies in the Middle East; a resolution that even Bill Clinton could see was a bad idea when it first came up in his presidency.  You're a smarty ev-er-y day, Pelosi... dumbass.

  Party Billy Bob Blow Job Punk-Out Bill thought it was a bad idea due to the instability in the region, which is actually something he got right.  So, does Nancy somehow think things are more stable now, or does she just not really care about the harm it would do to our troops?  Hmm... which is it?

  All I did today was some digging.  Part of a pipe was under some dirt, so I de-under-some-dirted it.  It's pretty darn rusty.  I also removed part of an unused gas pipe.  It was in the way and useless.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

  At my favorite Chinese buffet, my favorite waitress gave us some Chinese candy.  Think rectangular and almost tasteless gumdrop covered in sesame seeds.

  It was not too bad at first, but about halfway through it, the taste was the same as a smell that I don't fully recall, but that I seem to associate with a combination of old people, hospitals, and a unique possible antiseptic cleaner.  It did not taste good.  I had to eat more ice cream just to get the taste out of my mouth.

  That's the second kind of Chinese candy those folks have kindly shared with us, and they both sucked.  The first one was maybe last year, and it was a hard candy with bits of green tea leaves in the center.  At least I think that's what it was.  I think it was meant to be a ginger candy.

  Either way, it did not taste too bad at first, but then I got to the leaves.  Holy crap, I had to spit that out.  Is it genetic or something?  Why are all Asian candies awful tasting.  And I'm not judging all by just those two.  I've heard about other Asian candies, and none of them sound the least bit appealing.

  Here's a humorous look at Rev. Al Gore's Nobel Prize celebration party and some more of his hypocrisy.

  And on the topic of Rev. Gore's Prize, here's his place on the official site, where you can read this as the reason: "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"

  Here's a little history on the Peace Prize, from Mr. Nobel, himself: "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."

  One might ask why he won it in the Peace category.  I suppose that's the least obviously incorrect category in which they could put him, since they obviously could not put him in any science category.  And they don't have a bullshit category.

  No, his great step towards peace in a slide-show full of lies and inaccuracies about a weak theory.  The best part is where they say, "measures that are needed to counteract such change".  That's just icing on the cake of stupidity.

  So, who here has heard of Irena Sendler?  She was another nominee.  All she did was save the lives of 2,500 children during the Holocaust and continues other efforts to this day.  What a loser.  Saving the lives of children is so overrated.  Real peace comes from touting lies about a weak theory and then being hypocritical about it.  And that's why Rev. Al Gore is so much more deserving.

Gore gets a cold shoulder

Gore's prize: A fraud on the people

Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

  more de-bunking articles

Thursday, October 18, 2007

  Have some funny.

  Fuck yeah!

  He's got a point.

  That one just gets me right there.


  Still funny as hell.

  Oh, right.  Here you go.

Friday, October 19, 2007

  I slept well, and I got a fair amount of work done.

  Crawled under the other side of the house to look where a long pipe connected and to check things out in general.  I'm reaffirmed in my belief that this house should be torn down completely, but I'm sure it will last another 2 or 3 decades.

  Almost all the pipes in the bathroom will need to be replaced.  The metal ones not rusted on the outside are rusted on the inside.  I finally cemented the pipe that kept popping its cap, as it were.  Tomorrow, we're going pipe shopping.

  I also did some more prepping of the floor beams for putting down the new floor.  All the crawling and prepping and cementing and checking was about a 10 or 11 hour day.

  I watched Lewis Black's comedy show, Red, White, and Screwed.  I like him, though I do wonder about his health.  I don't know what condition he's in, but he always looks like he's one outburst away from a coronary.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

  I keep forgetting that the local hardware stores close early on weekends.  I slept too late.

  I wonder if the people who wear pro-Che Guevara peraphenalia know that he arrested people for being artists and for being homosexual?  Do they know that he thoroughly enjoyed killing people.

  Does anyone find it the least bit interesting that the majority of the pro-Che people, in the U.S., are Liberals?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

  It was windy, today, but the sun was blazing.  I didn't do any work on the bathroom.

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