Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Previous List Next
What is a "lie", again?

What is a "lie", again?

  I guess I'm still a little confused on the Liberal definition of a lie.  Would any Liberals out there care to clear it up for me?

  I'm apparently mistakenly thinking that lying involves intent to deceive.  Where am I wrong?

  As best as I can deduce, if we look at George W. Bush, then the Liberal definition of a lie is simply to say something that eventually appears to be incorrect.

  Well, Obama said he would not allow lobbyist in his administration, but he has them.
  He said he would have the bills posted online for 72 hours before being voted on, but none have been posted.
  He said that he would have the bill debates on C-SPAN for public viewing, but they were not.
  He also took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, but he's not, and looking at loads of stuff he's said prior to being President, he never had any intention of doing either.

  Those are 4 different things (just off the top of my head) that were said, and now appear to be incorrect.  Oh, wait, my bad.  Those are things that are actually PROVEN to be incorrect.  Maybe that's the difference.  If you say something that is provably incorrect, then it's okay.  Maybe that's why droves of Liberals are not calling him a liar every minute of the day.

  Are you familiar with Saul Alinski, writer of Rules For Radicals?  He's a common left-wing and Progressive hero.  A little something to know, in particular, is that he subscribed to, and promoted, the notion that the ends justify the means.
  It's okay to lie, cheat, steal, and do whatever the hell you want, as long as it gets the job done.

  This leaves me curious about the Liberal "moral superiority".  I guess I'm unclear on what morals are, as well.  I need a Liberal to explain that one too.  That and, if it's okay to lie to get the job done, then what exactly was wrong with Bush "lying"?  Is it because his was not a real lie?  Only genuine deception is acceptable?


  That reminds me.  What happen to all the Global Warming crap on TV?  Where'd that go?  I mean, just because some e-mails were discovered and added even more proof to the concept being totally bogus, why are they suddenly stopping.  It's not like provable science and common sense wasn't working against them to begin with.
  Come on.  Tell me more about how the polar bears are under an ever-increasing threat, even though their populations are what have increased.
  Tell me more about how humans are warming the Earth, even though the same amount of temperature change is occurring on other planets.
  Tell me more about Global Warming when we're experiencing record cold.  Oh, right, it's Climate Change, now.
  Hey, if you knew what the hell you were talking about, then you would have gotten the name right the first time.
  Yeah, gotta stop the climate from changing.  Can't have it doing different stuff.  All that changing it did before humans came along was just wrong and evil and bad.  You're gonna be sunny and 75 degrees, and that's it, you naughty, disobedient climate.

  Change is only always good when it comes to politics, even when it sends the country down the toilet... as predicted.  Now go sit in the corner, and say 30 Hail Obama's.


  Here's a little something to keep in mind.
  When you live in pursuit of the truth, then you don't have to care what other people think about you.
  When you live with intent to deceive, then you MUST care what people think about you.

  Hmm.  Liberals or Conservatives?  Which ones tend to care more about what other people think about them?


  Pelosi calls herself a grass-roots organizer.  Judging my Democrat voter registrations, that apparently means organizing the people who reside under the roots of the grass in cemeteries.  Whole lot-a grass-roots organizing on the Liberal side.


  Mao, Marx, Stalin, Che.  Why are so many Liberal hero's mass-murders?  Seriously.  What's up with that?

"Guy Fawkes (13 April 1570 - 31 January 1606), also known as Guido Fawkes, the name he adopted while fighting for the Spanish in the Low Countries, belonged to a group of Catholic restorationists from England who planned the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Their aim was to displace Protestant rule by blowing up the Houses of Parliament while King James I and the entire Protestant, and even most of the Catholic, aristocracy and nobility were inside. The conspirators saw this as a necessary reaction to the systematic discrimination against English Catholics."

  Guy Fawkes.  The incompetent, would-be mass murderer.  Yeah.  Let's all look up to him.

  Hey, Liberals.  Tell me more about the Republican/Conservative culture of death.  You know, after you're done with your abortion and euthanzing your gramma... which is also technically and abortion.

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