2011_09_20 Previous List Next
Andrew Jackson vs. Barrack Obama

A brief compare and contrast of Andrew Jackson and Barrack Obama.

I watched a History International Channel documentary about Andrew Jackson, last night.  Prett good timing, since I've been researching U.S. presidents for a journal entry that I will post at some point in the future.

As I watched about his earlier years, it struck me how similar he was to a modern Liberal.

As it continued, I realized that he was an interesting mix of very similar and dissimilar qualities to our current president, Barrakarl Obamarx.


1.  Firsties!!!
Andrew Jackson (J) First white Democrat (first Democrat, period).
Barrack Obama (O) First black Democrat (first black president, period).*

2.  Grew up with a hatred for a particular race,
(J) Native Americans
(O) White people

3.  but was willing to work with them if they helped him achieve his goals.

4.  Used ignorant peoples' false, yet flattering, beliefs about him to get elected.
(J) Even though the war ended before Jackson won a particular battle, news of the two events got to people in the wrong order, so they believed Jackson won the war.
(O) With ample help from the media, people believed Obama was smart and would solve all their problems.

5.  Ego, ego, ego.

6.  Believed his goals were more important than the governmental seperation of powers.  (That pesky congress.)


1.  Paper money.
(J) Despised paper money, because you could freely print more and devalue it.  (Inflation.  Boooo!)
(O) Wants to keep printing more to intentionally devalue it.  (Inflation.  Yaaayy!)

2.  National debt.
(J) Was determined to eliminate the national debt.
(O) Is determined to increase the national debt.

3.  National debt record set.
(J) The only president to 0 the debt.
(O) Increased it more than all previous presidents combined, and still not satisfied.

4.  Czar.
(J) Called a government official with too much power a czar as an insult.
(O) Created multiple governement officials with too much power and called them czars as an official title.

5.  Bad-assedness.
(J) Intentionally took a bullet in the chest in order to gain the advantage and win a duel against someone that he knew was better.
(O) Is sensitive about the size of his ears.

6.  American tragedy.
(J) Violated treaties and forced 80,000 indians to relocate, causing 10,000 to die.  Held many in concentration camps.
(O) ...well, he's still got some time.

*I assume all of the impatient racist and gullible idiots are doing much better than they were before Obama was elected.  I assume you all have good jobs and are earning a dignified living NOT dependent upon The Man for food and shelter.

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