Why, Why, Why- Don't Answer That
Please don't answer me
for I am too scared
I ventured into a place
I should have not dared

It all feels so wrong
and I do not like it
A perfect excuse
for me to throw a fit

All I want
is a chance to complain
To bitch and moan
and express my disdain

To question things
because I don't understand
But I don't want any answers
so don't give me a hand

You misinterpret
my question as real
I want only to rant
I don't care how you feel

I know I am angry
and am questioning all
But please offer nothing
I can't handle your gall

Oh please keep your mouth shut
with its words and its song
I can't bear the idea
that I might be wrong

Stop giving your answers
this I implore
Please leave me my ignorance
I have nothing more
This is a pathetic little poem is inspired by, and written to, that hopefully small slice of the world's more interesting people.

BTW: if the shoe fits, have the courage to wear it. If it doesn't, then I'm not talking about you.

Just make sure you're honest with yourself.

This was a bit of a rant for me.
And for those who may not have gotten it, the poem is sarcastic.

I do not condone the fruitless behavior of repeatedly and angrily questioning things, and then virtually refusing to hear any possible answers, whether they may be right or wrong ones.