Wednesday, March 29, 2006 Previous List Next
Can't Win For Losing

  Well, in regards to my computer woes, I decided to try something last night.  But first a little background information.

  I have my sister's old computer.  It's not the one I've been using, however.  Hers is a mini "tower", and after the latest reformatting, it inexplicably lost some graphics abilities.  For whatever reason, it can do no better tham 16 bit color, and 640x480 resolution.  That's one of the main reasons why I haven't been using it.

  Last night I started just wanting to chek the power supplies to see which one was stronger.  I was hoping I might be able to give mine a little more umph, but it turns out the one I was using was stronger, so nevermind that.  I then decided to check out the CPU's.  My sister's was newer and more powerful, and I was hoping it would be compatable with my motherboard, but no such luck.

  After some inspecting and verifying, I decided to just go ahead and put the whole dang motherboard in my tower.  It was a smaller board, but they're both ATX so it didn't matter as far as attaching it to the case.  It has only two PCI slots, while mine has four, but I use only two anyway, so no problem there.

  The only thing bad is that her board has intigrated graphics, while mine has an actual card, so I could not transfer that over.  So, basically it came down to what did I value more, graphics or speed.  Under normal circumstances, I would have went for graphics, but since I'm going to be getting a new computer relatively soon, I'm opting for speed, because I'm pretty much fed up with how long mine was taking to do things.

  Let me give you an idea.  Start-up took about 5 minutes, and I'm probably rounding down; even longer if McAfee decides to remind me to check for updates.  My sister's old motherboard has at least tripled my speed.  Of course, I'm not entirely sure some of that might be due to the lower quality graphics.  I'm not THAT computer savvy.  I know a thing or two, but three is stretching it a bit.

  So, here I am, looking at a screen where everything on it is enormous, and the images are stippled, but I don't mind.  And here's come your new favorite quote: It may suck, but at least it sucks quickly.

  In other news, I finaly completed and sent off a survey of my own creation.  I wish it had more questions, but it took me about a month just to come up with the thirty it has now.  I could have come up with many more, but I was trying to avoid questions that would likely offend or terrify.  I'm not looking to drive anyone away.

  So, here's a copy of it with my answers, as they were when I answered.  Feel free to copy it and send it to your friends and therapist.  Also, I'd very much enjoy seeing your answers.

1.  What's a name that, on some level, you would like to name a hypothetical child of yours but most likely never would?


2.  Have you ever stared in the mirror, into your own pupil, and seen your own reflection? On purpose?

        Yes, and yes.  A number of times.

3.  If you entered alone into your place of residence and discovered a chimpanzee sitting quietly on your sofa (or furniture equivelant), how would you react?

        I'd take a moment to acknowledge it and then search the house for anything else odd.  I would probably then call animal control or the police.  I would then try to hang out with the chimp until someone arrived, because I'd like to hang out with a chimp for a while.

4.  Is the radio your primary introduction to music and/or songs that you end up liking? If not , what is?

        Not for a long time now.  I usually discover new stuff while searching, or researching, stuff I already listen to.

5.  If you could take any drug, or kind of drug, without being subject to any negative long-term physical or psychological effects, what drug, or kind of drug, would you choose?

        Some kind of hallucinagen.  I want to see what's really on my mind.

6.  If you had the opportunity to live inside a body of the opposite gender, for any given amount of time, would you, and for how long?

         Definitely.  I think about three days minimum, but if I didn't have my normal life to deal with, I would be interested in about a month, to start.

7.  (if YES to #6) If you could choose the body of a specific person, who would it be?

         Hmm.  A lot are appealing, but I think I would avoid a famous one so that I don't get undue attention drawn to myself.  Maybe her:
alex the novice<33

8.  You're in a town full of dumb, slow-moving zombies, and you have to fight your way out on foot.  The zombies can be defeated by either removing their heads or damaging their brains, but you can have only two weapons, and ammunition (if any) is limited to what you can carry, along with the weapons themselves, on your person.  What two weapons do you choose? (note: flaming zombies can still attack you... and set you on fire)

        A sword and some kind of hand gun with 15 or more round clips

9.  If you could be guaranteed 1000 years of healthy and able living, would you want it?

        Definitely.  There's so much I want to learn.

10.  What was the last music album you listened to, for whatever reason?

        My own compilation of songs by a Japanese rock group called L'Arc~en~Ciel.

11.  Do you prefer crushed ice or "cubed" ice for drinks that are not intended to use a specific kind?

        "Cubed".  Actually, I use a plastic cookie package tray and make ice blocks about 4 inches long and 2 inches thick.

12.  Have you ever purposefully let either a snail or granddaddy long-legs crawl on you?

        Yes to both.  The latter more than once.

13.  Would you rather be able to fly or breath under water?

        Hmm.  I'd rather breath under water, but I'm rarely ever swimming, so flying would be far more useful.

14.  Of all the books you have read, in their entirety, which one would you want everyone in the world to read?


15.  To the best of your knowledge, do you own all of the albums (not including singles) for any musical artists or groups (it doesn't count if one or two was all they made)? If so, who?

        Portishead, Cibbo Matto, Fiona Apple, Sophie B. Hawkins.

16.  Which would you rather do?

        A. B

        B. C

        C. All of the above

        D. None of the below

        I think C.

17.  What's one thing you wish was shorter?

        My nose hairs.

18.  Which threat do you prefer?

        A. Don't think I won't eat you.

        B. I'm gonna separate you two, and I don't mean from each other.

        C. One inch closer and I'll make it one inch shorter.

        Tough choice between A & B, but I think I'll go with B.

19.  If Christopher Reeve (if he were still alive) and Steven Hawking got into a fight, who would win?

        I'll say Steven Hawking, because he's got experience with wheelchairs on his side.

20.  For whom do you have greater respect: Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? (You must pick one)

        A couple of years ago, I would have said Britney, but now I'd have to say Christina.

21.  Do you mind watching foreign films with subtitles?

        Don't mind at all.

22.  On what do you wish you hadn't spent good money?

        A VCR and universal remote control from a local pawn shop.

23.  What cancelled tv shows do you wish had not been cancelled? (not the same as intentionally concluded)

        Firefly.  Freakylinks.  That's all I can think of right now, but there are plenty.

24.  As far as movies or books are concerned, which scenario do you prefer: time travel, amnesia, clone, or alternate realities?

        I'm partial to time travel.

25.  How do you usually eat m&m's (eg. 1 at at time, 2 at a time, by the handful, same colors)?

        Regular m&m's: two at a time (usually of the same color) or by the handful.

26.  Give an unimportant quote that you heard or read that has stayed with you for an unimportant reason for no less than 1 year. (no catch-phrases)

        "But I was using my whole ass." -Homer Simpson

27.  What about yourself do you think people in general would care about the least (not limited to personality traits)?

        I have less than half a roll of wide masking tape that's too old to be useful.

28.  Hypothetically, you have a husband or wife that you care for more than any other person in the world, but you must choose for one of two things to happen.  Either he/she will die when the two of you are at your happiest, or the two of you will become such bitter and hated enemies that you will actually wish each other were dead.  Which do you choose?

        At our happiest.

29.  Name something that you find bittersweet, and I'm not talking about a food taste.

        Hot female cousins.

30.  What's your favorite 2-d gemoteric shape?


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