Saturday, April 15, 2006 Previous List Next
New Computer

  Well, earlier this week, I aaplied for a job at a nearby convenience store, but I found out today that I did not get the job.  That's a bummer, however, they did say they'd keep me on file.  Maybe there will be an opening in the future, but for now, it looks like I'm stuck with the meager helper monkey wages.

  That and the fact that I had to get up early started my day off bad, but then my new computer arrived.  It's a heck of a lot lighter than my old one, and faster, of course, but one bitch-slap about it is that the RAM from the old one won't fit in the new one (wrong slot type), so I'm actually working with less RAM.  But get a load of this salt in the wound: I have two old 128MB RAM's, and the new one is a 112MB.

  The harddrive is a standard 40GB, which is actually laughable in my book.  Here, have half an M&M.  I haven't decided whether or not I want to put the harddrive from the old one in the new one as a second harddrive.  I can still technically use the old computer as a second computer, but I don't know if I'll actually have a reason to, given its limitations.  I'll probably end up harvesting it, but just not today.  I don't feel up to that task, today.

  All that aside, today just feels weird, and it went by fast.  Time flies, and all that.  Man, I wanted that job!  I guess it's just not the right time, yet.

  *sigh*  I don't have anything else to write.

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