Tuesday, December 19, 2006 Previous List Next
Random Stuff 07

  Yea!  I'm TIME magazine's Person Of The Year... but then so is everyone else, so big freaking whoop.

  I should not have eaten that last slice of pie last night.  It was large and old and I couldn't sleep in but one position last night without it feeling like something was trying to come back up, and I'm not talking about vomiting.  Every time I did try to get a new position, I ended up having to sit up and burp.  Didn't get a whole lot of sleep.

  I watched the movie, "Just Like Heaven", last night.  I enjoyed it.  It's my favorite song, and I pretty much always enjoy Reese Witherspoon.  And the leading man did not annoy or bore me, so that's a plus.

  I was researching the possibility of making my own shake flashlight, and I found this site where a guy made one using a Tic-Tac box and part of a writing pen shaft.  Cool.  Some other guy made a battery-powered Tic-Tac box flashlight.  pffft!  Caveman.  ;)

  "When you believe in nothing, you will believe anything."  Like that you can negotiate with people who want you dead.  I'm still waiting for someone to tell me where the compromise is on that.  I'll kill you... later?

  I watched "Lucky Number Sleven" yesterday as well.  Good movie.  Lucy Lu was especially enjoyable in it.  Sometimes she's just cute as a bug.

  There's a new show called HEX on BBCAmerica, and in the second(I think) episode, the main character asked her lesbian friend the marry, fuck, or kill question regarding Cameron Diaz, Lucy Lu, and Drew Barrymore.  She replied, "That's easy.  Sleep with Cameron Diaz, Marry Lucy Lu, and kill Drew Barrymore."  That may not actually be verbatim, but so what?

  After the initial amusement, I thought about it, and I agree with her.

  I "watched" "Flesh Gordon and the Cosmic Cheerleaders".  I guess I technically watched it, but I fast forwarded through about 95% of it.  ...  Now I've seen two movies featuring an attacking claymation penis.  Which movie will be number three?  Incidentally, the first one was a movie called "Pervert!".  It's good for a laugh, but it technically qualifies as soft-core porn, FYI.  Reminded me of that song, "Detachable Penis", by whoever the hell sings it.

  A few days ago, I watched the Comedy Central special, Last Laugh 2006.  The consensus is that the year sucked severely.  Patton Oswalt said that the only good thing was that the "Republicans got their asses handed to them".  That would be a lot more funny if the Lib Dems didn't get there hiding behind Con Dems, and then just cast them aside.

  Woo hoo.  They took the office because the people wanted what the Republicans used to be.  If a Liberal wants to believe the Dems did any ass-handing, then they're definitely focused only on the power for its own sake and not the policies of the people who have it.

  I like you Patton, but like all comedy, where would you be without ignorance?  Kind of like Wanda Sykes bitching at NASA for not giving us anything but a foam mattress.  I guess Wanda needs to have a look a this website:


  Glenn Beck talked to Penn Gillette, again.  This time they talked about Penn's new show, "Identity", and profiling.  I'm going to have to add Penn to my MySpace "Heroes" list.  If he had his way, airports would be privately owned so they could reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, and everyone on the plane would be allowed to carry a gun.  I'm not entirely opposed.  Like he says, let the good people keep being good, and let the bad guys do the profiling.

  By the way, Mythbusters have busted the myth of explosive decompression from a bullet hole in an airplane window, so no worries there.

  Gun Control: No better protection from law-abiding citizens.

  Political Correctness: No better protection from responsibility for your own emotions.

  Affirmative Action: Because the only way to end racism is by treating people according to their race.

  Animal Rights: Because, even though we are equal to animals, we have the authority to dictate their rights.


  I ate at my favorite Chinese buffet, and now I feel better.  I also bought a couple more pairs of jeans.  They were listed as $19.98, but they were actually $14.50, so that's nice.

  You know that saying, "The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer"?  It's odd to me that so many people see that as some unfair thing.  Actually, let's start by realizing that it is a generalization.  There are rich people who become poor, and there are poor people who become rich, and there are people who fluctuate between the two.

  But here's the thing, looking at it like it's unfair is like saying it's unfair that a person, who stuck their hand in a fire, got burned while a person who did not do it did not get burned.  Are there actually some people in the world who have never heard the phrase, "It takes money to make money"?  Technically, that is also a generalization, since you can make money without having a single penny.

  The rich get richer because they have money and know how to use it to make more money.  How you actually use what money you have plays a huge role in whether or not you get more money.  Do you work for minimum wage and spend money on alcohol and cigarettes?  Clothes you don't really need?  Are you having children that you can't afford?

  Another thing that plays a huge role is your own attitude towards what it takes to make money to begin with.  Are you actually working, period?  A lot of people are content with living on welfare.  Are you aspiring for jobs that pay better?  Do you have the knowledge required to do better?

  Not everyone is dealt an equal hand, but who the bloody hell said they were supposed to?  What aspect of nature leads anyone to believe everyone should have an equal life?  You're equality lies in your free will to choose what kind of person you'll be, and who says you need to be rich to begin with?  I'm certainly not rich.

  As long as you have food to keep you alive, then you're pretty much set, and you don't really need money for that.  Everything else is about your desires.  Maybe it's your desires that are screwing you over.

  "Jesus is the reason for the season."

  Actually, the tilt of the planet's axis and the planet's rotation around the sun are the reason for the season.  Jesus is just the reason for Christmas.  Deal with it, politically correct nimrods.  How many "holiday trees" do you think there would be if the concept had lampreyed onto Christmas?  It's a Christmas tree.

  Heard a guy talking about being a Satanist.  The guy was obviously a poser.  He was put to the test and asked if there were any Satanist commandments.  He started talking about not restricting your natural impulses without hurting other people, and a bunch of other crap, and eventually actually claimed that Satanism has a morality.

  In case anyone doesn't know, Satanism has one commandment.  "Do as thy will."  It doesn't say 'Do as thy will without hurting others", or some crap like that.  You want to fuck a monkey, do it.  You want to murder, do it.

  You want to pretend you're a Satanist while having moral values?  Well, you're kind of stupid, but sure, do it.  just know that it has nothing to do with Satanism.

  Actually, the concept of a "Satanist" is kind of amusing, in itself.  Satan is another word for adversary; as in synonym.  Jesus was a satan.  If you want to be a true Satanist, you have to be adversarial, which would logically mean even to Satanism itself, which I'd really love to see someone accomplish.

  Satanism is a joke.  Anyone reading the Bible objectively would see that "Satan" is not an entity, or whatever you want to call it.  FYI: Lucifer was a human being and the King of Babylon.

  On a similar topic, I watched City of Angels last week.  Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan.  Very good movie.  I also like the Prophecy series of movies.  FYI: there are at least five, now, but only the first three have Christopher Walken.

  Anyway, as much as I enjoy the movies, I'm still a little generally disappointed by how they're based on misinterpretations.  Or in the case of the Prophecy series, functions on a contradiction.

  The Prophecy series acknowledges that angels don't have free will, yet there are angels disobeying god.  Exactly what definition of free will is being used?  City of Angels claims that angels do have free will, which I guess they need to have the story make sense.

  One might debate the nature of "god" and "angels", and take any of it as literally or figuratively as you like, but angels were created to do the bidding of god.  They are effectively robots in regards to the concept of free will.

  But by my own estimation, the idea that an "angel" is, shall we say, a permanently individual entity, is a little far-fetched.  By my current interpretation, the visual angel is simply whatever the person or people need to see in order to accommodate the purpose of the 'intervention', for lack of a better word.

  Anyway, the whole 'fallen angel' idea kind of falls apart under scrutiny.

  So, I've been trying to come up with my own Marry, Fuck, or Kill, and do feel free to submit your own to me, but the best I can do for now is Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, and Paris Hilton.  It's kind of a hard one, since my first instinct is to murder them all.  I definitely say murder Lindsey.  I'd rather fuck Britney than Paris, but given that it would leave me marrying Paris, I think I'll fuck Paris instead.

  By the way,  I don't follow the exact same logic with the Charlie's Angels actresses.  With that one, I'd rather marry or fuck either Cameron or Lucy instead of Drew, but while I would like to fuck both Cameron an Lucy, I have to pick one to spend my life with, and that's definitely Lucy, even if it means never fucking her.

  I watched Identity.  I liked it.  alike all the other newer game shows, they utilize the dramatic pause, which is just an annoying waste of time, in my opinion.  Trust me, I'm neither biting my nails nor on the edge of my seat.  Thank goodness for recording and fast forward.

  I wonder how long it will take before people stop doing the obvious identities first.  Whichever one is the most obvious, save it for until you're not willing to risk anymore, then use it for the higher payoff.  So, which one is the sumo wrestler?  One of the lean guys, one of the lean girls, the middle-aged woman, the middle-aged Caucasian man, or the fat Asian in the sumo outfit?

  Let's see.  I'm certain it the asian guy, but I might forget, so I'll get him out of the way for only $1000 dollars.  I'd hate be stuck at $75,000 thinking, "Oh crap, what did I decide that fat asian dressed like a sumo wrestler was?  Oh, snap!  I shoulda done him first."

  I say someone finally wises up by the third episode.  Now we wait.

  I've been adding to this periodically throughout the day, and it's getting late, and I'm getting tired, so I'm going to wrap this up.  'Til next time.

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