Friday, January 12, 2007 Previous List Next
A little perspective on torture.

  I was busy with a project, but I had the History channel on, because they were talking about punishment throughout history.

  They got to this century and there was a lot of talk about how horrible torture is, and how unenlightened it is.  These are all my words, because I was only half watching, but it is the essense of the attitude.

  I'm pressed for time, so I can't devote as much time to this as I'd like, but I would like to offer a little perspective on torture.

  Oh, sorry four-year-old kid.  We couldn't save your life, because it would have meant causing your kidnapper/rapist some pain.

  Yeah.  Your life is worth less than his physical comfort.

  I know your dead now, but maybe you can find some consolation in the fact that you unwillingly gave your life to keep your offender from getting owies.

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