Monday, November 5, 2007 Previous List Next
Renovation - Week 4

Monday, October 29, 2007

  Went at that leak again.  Used a whole lot of sealing tape.  It worked.  Yea!

  Did more prep work for laying the floor.  Cut one sheet of plywood to the appropriate dimensions and cut out a couple of areas in it that needed cutting out.  Would have done the other piece, but it's inconveniently stored, and since I can't actually lay the floor until the tup goes in, it can wait.

  I won't be able to get to the hardware store today or tomorrow, so it's going to be a while more before the tub gets put in.

  Brits in record numbers go abroad for health care.  But they have universal health care.  Isn't that supposed to be just the very bestest?  I mean, Michael Moore, Hil-loki Clinton, Barrak Obama, and John Edwards, think it is, so it must be, right?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

  Old habits can pop up unexpectedly.  The bathroom hasn't been usable for at least two weeks, but today I mindlessly opened the door to it to use it.  I think that's happened about 3 times since the toilet was actually removed from the room.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


  University to students: 'All whites are racist'  Mandatory program 'treats' politically incorrect attitudes

  So, the G.I. Joe movie is a despicable abomination.  Keep in mind that the character is based on an actual, real life, American Marine; hence, "A real American Hero".

  So, why the holy fuck is the movie making the character a man from Brussels who is working for the U.N.?

  C.O.B.R.A. was a terrorist organization on a religious bent.  So why is it suddenly an arms deal from, what was it, Scotland?  Ireland?

  The U.N. is cowardly, ineffective, and corrupt.  Just the very notion that they would actually be of any real help to anyone is laughable.

  Liberalism is the death of heroism.

  I wonder if there are any pets with derogatory names.  I think someone should name their dog Douchebag.  It would have to be a medium-sized dog, though.  Small dogs would have names like Nutsack or Turdnugget.  Can't think of any big dog names.  Any ideas?

  Is it just me, or does sphinctermouse sound like it actually is something?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

  Discovered a minor leak at a bushing, but I took care of it.  It's one I had forgotten to cement.

  I could not get the vinyl hose I wanted for the tub drainage (that was yesterday), so I'm just going to do a redirection.  I did not put the supply pipe replacements in the same position as the origional arrangement, so I have pipes in the way of other pipes.

  With vinyl hose, I can just flex around stuff, but it has to be at least 1 1/4", and no one local has it that big, and it's not worth driving 30-some-odd miles to Lowe's to get it.

  Also, I'm working on putting a little more bracing in for the floor to lay on; especially around the edges.  Need to make another trip to the hardware store.

  It doesn't feel like it should be Thursday, yet.  Not complaining, mind you.

Friday, November 2, 2007

  I got the rest of the floor support beams installed, and I laid down the previously cut panel, though I will not screw it down until later, when I'm more confident that I won't have to lift it again.

  I have as much of the tub drainage pipe put in as I can prior to the actual instillation of the tub.  The next task is to cut the other floor panel and cut out the hole for the pipe.  I guess the task after that would be cutting the second layer of floor, or maybe just get the first layer down and start on the ceiling.  Haven't decided.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

  Well, I have the plywood layers of the floor down and secured.  The next layer will be panels of Hardibacker, which is a sort of cement.  It's fire-proof, mold-proof, water-proof, this-proof, that-proof, yadda yadda.

  Before I secure that, I will spray expanding foam in some spaces, one of which will be under a panel.  Unless Wal-Mart sells it, I'll have to wait until Monday.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

  Wal-Mart did have the spray foam, so I got some and filled in some spaces.

  That's all.  Move along.  Nothing to see here.

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