Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Previous List Next
9 Principles

From WE Surround Them
Do you watch the direction that America is being taken in and feel powerless to stop it?

Do you believe that your voice isn’t loud enough to be heard above the noise anymore?

Do you read the headlines everyday and feel an empty pit in your stomach…as if you’re completely alone?

If so, then you’ve fallen for the Wizard of Oz lie. While the voices you hear in the distance may sound intimidating, as if they surround us from all sides—the reality is very different. Once you pull the curtain away you realize that there are only a few people pressing the buttons, and their voices are weak. The truth is that they don’t surround us at all.

We surround them.

So, how do we show America what’s really behind the curtain? Below are nine simple principles. If you believe in at least seven of them, then we have something in common. I urge you to read the instructions at the end for how to help make your voice heard.

The Nine Principles
1. America is good.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.

3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.

7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.

You Are Not Alone

If you agree with at least seven of those principles, then you are not alone. Please send a digital version of your picture to: wesurroundthem@foxnews.com and then stay tuned to the radio and television shows over the coming weeks to see how we intend to pull back the curtain.
  I forget who said it.  Joe Biden, or some other jerk.  Anyway, to paraphrase, old people are going to just have to learn do deal with their pain more.

  You know, as opposed to receiving medical treatment for it.  Yep, that's socialism for you.  "Free" health care for everyone... whose worthy.

What? You can afford to pay for it with your own money?  What do you think this is, some kind of free market system?  That's right, oldie; we decide who lives or dies- I mean, who gets what ration of treatment.

  But there is always the option of assisted suicide.  I you could opt for new residence at our new retirement resort on sunny Soylent Island.

  Oh, yeah, and no more expensive experimental procedures.  We wouldn't want medicine advancing too quickly

  Goodbye liberty.  Goodbye excellence.  Everyone gets to be a goverment pet.  I wonder how many people who are opposed to zoos are for socialism.

By the way, mandatory charity is not charity.  It's theft.
  I wonder how many of these liberal college students in love with equal distribution of wealth would feel about doing the same thing with their GPA's and college credits.
  I'm sure there's a lot of people who won't ever go to college for one reason or another.  Don't they deserve a college degree?  Aren't they entitled?
  We can let you do all the work, let you pay your own tuition, and since you're so very generous and compassionate, we'll just take about 80% of what you achieve, and give it to someone else.

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