2011_08_19 Previous List Next
So, Was Edwin Starr, Not Hendrix, Pro-Slavery?

As it was pointed out to me, in my previous post, it was not Jimmy Hendrix who did the song, "War". I acknowledge my own dumbassery.

War (Edwin Starr song)

So, here is the post, as written, except with the correct name.


I just finished watching Gulliver's Travel, starring Jack Black.  I liked it well enough.  Could have been a WHOLE lot better, but whatever.  It's a Jack Black comedy.

Maybe that's a little harsh.  School of Rock was actually pretty good.  But I digress.

So, they end the movie with everyone singing and dancing to Edwin Starr's "War", which, of course, asks the question, what is war good for, to which he provides the answer of, "absolutely nothing".

One can conclude only that Edwin Starr believed that the Civil War was faught for no good reason.

Since the war was fought over slavery, and the victory of the north ended slavery, then this must mean that Edwin Starr was pro-slavery.

I never realized that before.  Thank you, Jack Black, for opening my eyes.

This is why left-wing pap can't stand up to scrutiny.  All emotion and no logical reasoning.

Like that dumbass saying: "Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity."

Pssst.  You can have peace after a fight is over.

War can be good for something.  Fighting for peace is not like fucking for virginity.  And violence has solved a shitload of things.

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