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Leeloo Of Arc
date unknown

  I had a dream about Milla Jovovich either early November of 99, or possibly some time in October.  It's actually the second time I had a dream with Milla in it, but this time she was Leeloo.

  The dream was supposed to take place about 20, or so, years after all that occurred in "The 5th Element".  Corbin Dallas had somewhat unkempt, but straight, hair about four inches long with a few gray areas.  He was generally a little worse for wear.

  Leeloo, on the other hand, looked exactly the same, though she had taken to wearing a transparent hard, yet strangely flexible, plastic body suit/casing.  It was as if she was a robot with a see-through casing, but she had a regular body inside.  Over that, she wore a black trench coat.

  She somehow knew that she needed to go to a priest's house.  The priest was not the one in the movie, and this priest lived in a very, very nice and large private house with a superior view (from the balcony of his office), the likes of which could not be found on this Earth, though they were on Earth in the dream.  The priest did still wear a drab, brown robe.  Leeloo and the priest had never before met, but they just somehow knew of what they both needed to do.

  The beginning of the actual dream had Corbin and Leeloo climbing up a straight ladder (connected to the wall) to the floor above through a circular access hole.  In the office, Corbin sat in a near-by chair, and was of no further consequence.  Leeloo stood in front of the priest's desk waiting, and seconds later, the priest stepped into the room from the balcony.  If there was any actual dialogue, I don't recall it, and the dream pretty much ended in an expanding white light.

  But there is more to this tale.  Though it was not in the dream as actions, because of dream knowledge, I knew that the purpose of Leeloo being there was so that she, with the help of the priest, could be transported back in time to actually be THE real Joan of Arc, minus the orange colored hair and plastic body suit, of course.

  As for the first dream I had of Milla, I don't remember any details except that she, some other people, and myself were at my grandfather's house, and we were eating dinner.  There was more to it, as far as she was concerned, but not much more.

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