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Play & Fall
November 17, 1999

  I had a really spooky dream November 17th, 1999, around 7:15, or so.  It didn't start out at all spooky.  It started pretty cool.  I'll try to remember as much as I can.

  First, I was with a few other people, and we had traveled to some place that has mountains and snow.  The dream starts with us already there.  There is only snow boarding, no skiing.  We decide to grab some snow board and give it a go.

  We're walking up the foot of this big hill, and to our left is a literal line of snow boarders coming down.  They are all with there boards pointing sideways, and they are moving like they are on a conveyer belt.  They all keep the same close distance to each other, and they all follow the same moments when they reach certain spots.  Not too unlike watching a millipede walk.  It was strange to see, but rather irrelevant.

  So, we're walking up, and more people start gathering.  We get to this bus.  It has similarities to both a school bus and a mass transit bus.  The strange thing is, it loads in the back and unloads in the front, and I saw no doors on either end.  This was a ferry, of sorts, to get people to the top of the hill.

  We were on, and after the bus started, the dream started to make a subtle change.  The bus starts moving forward, and I can't see where the bus is going, because there is no close view out the front, which is a window, now.  After a few seconds, I find out why there is now immediate view.

  Earlier in the dream, the bus was supposed to continue up, but now, the bus was merely at the top of a hill.  The bus was on some tracks, and it started off by going down a real steep other side of the hill, and for some reason, there was no snow on the ground in the track gully.  The tracks go down, then when they level, the track turns left to go through a short tunnel.

  A lot of the people on the bus had done this many times before, and they enjoyed this ride as much, if not more than snow boarding down.

  We're at the brink of the decline and pointing downward, and I can see the track and everything.  We start down, and pick up a lot of speed, and it's a real fun little ride, but when we got to the bottom, the dream made another slight change.

  I'm looking at things from another view, and everyone is at a different place.  It's a sort of non snowy man-made clearing.  It's a big area carved out of the mountain.  There's high cement walls, some of the ground is cement, and some of it is grass.  It's at the other end of what I guess was the tunnel we had gone into.

  The tracks came out of the tunnel and curved to the right, and went on straight down another gully, but by this time, the bus was going at an unnatural speed so that all you could see of it was like a half second's worth of bus, then just trail lines, like with fast cars in photographs.

  The bus had somehow deposited everyone in the clearing, and some people, including myself, on the track area, and the ride leaves you feeling amazing.  The sheer unnatural speed brings your body to this clearing so fast, that you lay there while you feel your soul or something catching up.

  It's very difficult to describe.  You are physically there, but there is some non physical aspect of yourself that you are parted from, and the rush is in feeling it make its way back to you.

  It's also hard to describe what it felt like.  I either couldn't or didn't want to move, though I could talk, and it was something like the feeling of a breath of fresh air multiplied by a hundred as the other part of myself was returning.

  It was felt inside every part of the body- a full but not bloated feeling, and it was a lightness.  It felt like swirling air inside, but with some sort of mass, so that it's not just plain, thin air.

  Anyway, I understood why the people liked the ride so much, and everyone, including myself, got up and started running back through the tunnel, to go back to where the bus picks people up, so we could ride again.

  Well, while everyone is running back through the tunnel, I see this one girl.  She's maybe ten, about as tall as to the middle of my torso, she had straight blond hair down to her shoulder blades, but she was discolored.  Her clothes and everything was paler but with a sort of metallic quality

  While running, dream knowledge revealed to me, that she was a ghost that "haunted" the tunnel, and she would always run with the people, though she would not always run straight.  She would sometimes weave in and out between people.  Though she moved forward at the same speed as everyone, she moved at a slightly slower rate.

  Before we got to the other end of the tunnel, for some reason, the dream switched to a second time of us starting into the tunnel.  Though we had never actually taken the bus a second time, I knew that it was our second time to run through the tunnel, and this time, I did not see the ghost.  Dream knowledge told me that she doesn't appear every time, just most of the time.

  The dream switched again to a third time for us running down the tunnel, and the ghost maintained memory of some people, the ones that she happens to run near.  This time through the tunnel took longer, and the girl was in front of me again, weaving through between everyone, but this time she was saying/singing the words "Play and fall.  Play and fall."

  She had an accent like Drucilla, from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the series, except without everything being so drawn out, though she spoke at the slight slower pace like the way she moved.

  Anyway, I saw her, and I wanted her to come and run near me, and she eventually made her way back so that she was running beside me, and she even took my hand and was running with me.  She was continuously saying/singing play and fall, but not in a monotonous manner.

  It was like a child having fun, you know.  Play and fall, like playing and falling like in a ring around the rosey way.  Play and fall.  Play and fall.  She then says, and I didn't really hear what this particular part of the sentence was, but it was something like, "If you like to play and fall," and I did hear the rest, "then you can play and fall with me," then she looks right into my eyes with a somewhat less friendly facial expression, and finished in a somewhat less friendly tone, "forever."

  I fairly quickly told her, "No", then let go, and I woke up with a start.  It actually scared me.

  I mean, the sense of the dream changed when she looked at me.  She was looking right into my eyes, and this wasn't just a dream ghost looking at a dream me.  It was like the dream was merely a place for the event.

  I was aware that I was dreaming, so it was me that was there, and she looked at me.  She wasn't just making a suggestion.  She was just saying "can", when she meant "will", but she couldn't actually say "will", because I still had the choice of refusing her.  "If you like to play and fall, then you can play and fall with me... forever."

  I was glad to see that there was some light outside.  I keep it as dark as I can in my room, but some sun still makes its way in.  I was a little grateful for it, this time.  I didn't feel I had to go to the bathroom, but I decided to get up and go anyway.

   I went, then splashed a little cold water on my face.  I went back to my room, and turned my light on for about 20 seconds, then went back to bed.  I don't let dreams get the better of me, but my creativity and objectivity can't help but build on a neat concept, and in this case, it wasn't helping, so I turned on the light to show myself some reality.

  It's the exact same principle as how I usually forget so much of my dreams after I've wakened and showered.  I wanted to tone down the vividness of the dream, but I did not want to forget any of it, so that I could write about it, because, even though it scared me, it was still a cool dream.

  I count this as the second scariest dream I've had.  The scariest was the one I call the god dream, but that one was a whole different kind of scary.  This one was an evil scary.  The god one was not.

  One thing I noticed, as I've recounted the dream, is how much it resembles drug use.  I mean, there's the highs, the desire to repeat the action.

  The ghost saying play and fall, resembles the getting high and then the coming down, and then there's that final sentence, again.  If you like to play and fall, then you can play and fall with me... forever.

  It didn't really feel like this exactly, but it was something you could compare to an actual demon trying to take me.  I can't actually say it was a demon or satan.  One, I don't really believe in either, and this is something I've already explained to you.  Two, the ghost had no real control, and while in the dream, I didn't feel threatened.

  It was more the concept that scared me.  I did say no right away, and then left the dream.  There was no hold other than the figurative one of the ghost holding my hand, and it was not a strong, firm grip.

  Another interesting thing was how I woke up from it.  It was the usual waking up with a start because I was scared awake.  There were no actions in the split second between the "no" and the actual waking up, but it was like the dream self was sort of its own entity, and it made me wake up so it could leave the situation.

  Actually, the action before the split second, was me abruptly looking straight ahead of me, then saying no, and for that, I was seeing myself from my left hand side.

  Instead of my subconscious reacting to something scary, it was actually taking action.  I didn't consciously make myself wake up.  The whole dream was an interesting experience.  I just wish I knew it's purpose.

  I've compared it to drug use, but I'm not faced with drugs, and I wouldn't even be weak to pressure, if there actually were any, so what was the dream for.  It could be interpreted as me being shown my strong resistance, but it's not like I don't know I'm resistant.  There must be something less obvious.  Do you have any ideas?

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