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The Amusing Leader
Monday, August 7, 2000

  I've not had any memorable significant dreams in a while, but today I did have one where a part of it struck me as very interesting.  I'll go ahead and give all the details, though.

  The dream started outside an estate building where a world conference of sorts was just ending.  It wasn't like the U.N., just in case you're making that otherwise reasonable comparison.  This conference took place in some other country, and it was held by only a handful of countries that were close to each other.

  In the dream, I was imagining some conversation about the leader of one of the countries.  At this point in the dream, I was still moving through the parking lot, which was a very large circular driveway.  On a side note, instead of me walking through the parking lot, my point of view was as if a camera were moving backwards.

  Back to my imagined conversation, the leader in question was a person you would not expect to be the leader of a country, even a small one, but he was.  The idea of him, at this point, was not detailed.  So far, I felt only that he was a somewhat timid man.

  The conversation was that whenever someone asked a citizen of his country if he was their leader, and doubted his place and ability, the citizens would always back him up, saying that despite how he may seem on the surface, he has been an outstanding leader.

  I don't recall their exact words, but they were basically saying that no matter how he looked or behaved, he's always done everything right for his people, and they all back him up 100%, and do so with great passion.  Well, maybe not all of them, but that is a little later in the dream.

  The conference was over, and he left the building, walking quickly straight to his limo, which looked unlike any real-life limo, but at this point I had no clear, full view of it.  It was more peripheral.  On his way to the limo he looked kind of like Dracula did when he looked like an English gentleman, and I'm talking about from Bram Stoker's Dracula.

  Inside the limo, it seemed more like a passenger train, as far as the seats and windows were concerned.  I was in a seat across and forward one from him, and I was kind of just a guy in the proverbial background.

  Sitting in front of him, but turned to face him, was a man of his entourage (sp?); bit of a lackey really to the sort of personal assistant who sat behind the leader.  The personal assistant was a female, and she (and the lackey) wanted him out of office, and even dead if possible, though they put up a good act of supporting him.

  At this point, the leader looked a lot like Neil Patrick Harris, but with the same gentlemanly clothes, though everything had a somewhat Turkish feel to it.  Anyway, this leader had a slight psychological problem.  You know how some people are hypochondriacs; always thinking they are physically ill in some manner or another? And you know how some people have a fear of germs, so they don't touch things or people if they don't have to? Well, this guy wasn't quite either of those two.

  His problem was that he always felt that he was just on the brink of coming down with something, so he would have to act quickly in order to avoid catching it.  It was as if he subconsciously needed the challenge, so he would imagine a threat so he could defeat it before it could get to him.

  Another quality about him was that he was otherwise always in a good mood, even told a number of jokes and was generally an amusing guy.  He was talking to the people that were with him, and one thing he said as a last note was "After all, laughter IS the best medicine."

  Myself in the dream, knowing all I did about him, just started laughing at that.  I found it so interesting and amusing that he always felt as if he were about to get sick AND that he was so into humor, remembering that he never actually did get sick.

  Understand though, that his comment was not referring to himself, and he never even saw the connection.  I just started laughing out loud in the dream, and everyone stopped and looked at me curiously.

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