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Spider Bites
Tuesday, March 13, 2001

  I was in a large room, with a stage in front.  On either side of the stage were double-door exits.

  Facing the stage, there were about five columns of school desks lined up on the left side of the room.

  Behind the rows of desks and a little off-centered to the left, against the back wall of the room, was a sink and some metal, wall-hung shelves over and on either side of it.

  The whole room was dark, except for the people and the sink, and the stage was barely visible.

  I could not see any of the room's walls because they were completely in shadow.

  There were students in the desks, and I was sitting in the front row, maybe in the center column.

  There was a teacher standing in front of the class, between the desks and the stage. She seemed to be teaching, but I was not hearing her.  It was as if she were present, in the dream, only because it's what one would expect, given the classroom-like surroundings.

  I don't recall what I was doing before hand, but I suddenly noticed something odd about my upper right arm, near the shoulder, above the bicep.  I pulled my sleeve up, and I saw what appeared to be three sores.  I was uncertain of the exact cause of the sores, but one of the students said they were spider bites.

  They were arranged like an upside down triangle, they were very tough, and the top left one had a small hole in it.  I was rubbing them, and I noticed some white liquid was on them.  One of the students made mention of it, indicating that it was coming out of the sore that had the hole, and then I said, "then I guess I should stop rubbing it, huh?"

  I also said that I should probably wash it off, so I went to the sink, pulled my sleeve up so that it would stay, and then I began to wash the sore with some liquid soap and water.

  I noticed on the shelf that there was some salt, and I had intended to pack some salt on the sores after I cleaned them.

  While I was washing the sores, I decided to empty out the open one, so I pressed and squeezed it, causing the pus to come out in my hand.  I was doing this in a manner so that I could catch it in the same hand that pressed and squeezed.  I would then rinse my hand under the water.

  The male student who sat behind me, and who was also the one who spoke, had followed me back there, and was going to help, though I did not ask him to.  He was standing right behind me, and I saw both his hands and arms at either side of me.  He took a bottle of soap and was preparing to help wash off the sores.

  I then woke up.

  Note: In Junior High, there was a large room similar to the one described, except smaller, and it was used partially as a locker room.  It had two long, back and front, rows of lockers in it.

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