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Africa & A Dragon
November 14, 2002

  Had a couple of intriguing dreams, today.

  In the first one of the two, I was at the southern tip of Africa, except that the continent was like a giant map.  I saw nothing more than the tip, but if everything thing was scaled, I'd say the continent was about 30 to 40 feet from top to bottom.

  The closer I got to the tip, the colder it got, and the change was noticeable even though I took only a couple of steps.  Around the edge of the land was blue for water, and then about a foot out was a band of white.

  I am not precisely sure of what I was trying to do, but I basically wanted to be the first person to see the edge of the world and to see if anything was on the other side.

  For some reason, I was wearing nothing but a pair of black boots (sort of combat style) and a white, loose, flowing skirt that went down to a little below my knees.  The skirt had a very faded pattern of red flowers, barely noticeable.  As I approached the cold edge, I also had a light brown blanket that I wrapped over my shoulders.  I had no shirt.

  Somehow that protected me from the below-freezing temperature, and I managed to pull up the white edge of the "map".  Behind that was just blankness, and while I never got around to doing any of it, I had meant to start by feeling the other side of the "paper" for any land.

  If I could feel nothing, then I wanted to try look peek my head over.  Eventually I wanted to try to actually climb over to actually be on the other side, if there actually was anything there.

  The dream ended shortly after.

  With the other dream, it was sort of one transforming into another, so I'll start with the more relevant part and leave out some less important details.

  I was in a room where there was a sort of stage, except that the stage ramped down to join the normal floor.  What had started as life-size computer images of people in sci-fi suits running towards the "audience" had turned into a smaller sized army of both people and dinosaurs running in wide waves.

  While the images were CG, they were still substantial.  They were basically solid holographic robots.  When the completed their program or were "killed", they would have to be physically removed from the stage.

  When the wave attack was coming, it occurred on a long, wide sheet of white paper, and there was some kind of black cylinder on it.  I lifted the edge of the paper to make the cylinder roll, and as it hit the army, it essentially defeated them.

  The army was about 10 feet wide, and the cylinder was about one and a half feet wide.  What the cylinder did not bowl over, the lifting of the paper disrupted.

  The mass of people and dinosaurs went back about 20 feet, so I kept pulling more and more of the paper towards me to make sure all the army was knocked over.

  At first, I thought the paper would be endless, but it was not, so I decided to look backstage to try to find another roll to replace what I messed up.  As I walked passed what I thought were nothing more than toys now, I noticed some vague movement.

  I knelt down and saw that the creatures were actually little dragons, though they looked more like land dinosaurs with wings.  I noticed one of them was moving a little more than any of the others might have been, and so I picked it up and set it on a box someplace out of the way backstage.  I wanted to see if it would revive itself completely.

  I went about looking for the paper, found none, then went back to see about the tiny dragon.  It was about 3 inches tall and it was sitting with its wings over its body, sort of hiding and sleeping.

  The dream change was a little vague, but where the room used to be was now outside, and a little way down the ramp was train tracks, and what was back stage turned into the inside of a warehouse with people inside working.

  A metal guard ran along part of the track, and I had my hand on it when a train went by.  Because I hand static electricity in me, it allowed a long-lasting spark to run from my hand to the train, and it sent the dragon and me back in time.

  I can't say that I went back to an actual time, because while the train tracks and warehouse were still there, and it still seemed like the industrial age, I met a little boy who had first-hand experience with the illegalization of pet dragons.  It seems now that it was more of an alternate reality, though dream knowledge did not give that impression.

  I don't recall a lot of details, but I was talking to the boy about dragons, trying to kind out how to best take care of mine.  While there, and while I was doing other unclear things, the dragon grew a little to about two feet high.

  I never managed to get any useful information out of the boy, though he seemed unusually intelligent and mature for his age, yet still child-like.

  I tried to feed the dragon a small worm, but for some reason the boy ate it instead.  During another part, there was deep water on either side of the road into the warehouse, and to one side was a wide buoy on which a number of short penguins liked to gather.

  Though I was not physically with the dragon, my point of view was as if I were, and I was sort of helping guide the dragon to see if he would grab one of the penguins to eat.

  He did grab one, but he had it strange in his mouth, so when he came back to me, I took it out and was trying to think of how best to feed the penguin to the dragon.  For some reason, the dragon had no idea how to feed himself.

  I did not know if I should let the dragon swallow it whole, like a snake, or if I should cut the bird up and feed only the meat to him, and then there was the debate on whether or not it would be best to cook the meat first to not let the creature have a taste for blood.

  Eventually, I wanted to go back to my own time, so I asked the boy about that, and he said basically to just have my hand on the guard again when a train went by.  I tried it again, but had no static electricity in me, so it did not work.

  Before the train passed, I thought to rub my hair and then try again, and while it did spark, I did not go anywhere.  I was going to have to wait for another train, and fortunately there was another one coming on the track next to the one already passing.

  I did manage to be sent forward in time, but I was not sent far enough, and I found myself somewhere in the mid 70's.  Although that was when I was born, my siblings did not find it odd that I was about their own age, or that I had a dragon.

  I was in our front yard, there were some other kids, and I let the dragon go in the grass to run around, or whatever.  A little later, I lost sight of him and wanted to find him, so I looked around in the garage and in some sort of shelf thing in the yard, and while I did not find the dragon, I did find a strange abundance of raccoons with less than pleasant attitudes.

  By the way, when the dragon was tiny, it was a dark blue color, but after it started to grow for the first time, it turned to a more natural reddish brown.

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