Friday, November 03, 2006 Previous List Next
Al Sharpton

  I just got finished watching Al Sharpton talking to Glenn Beck for the "whole" hour.  As much good as Al may be doing, I can only imagine how much more good he could do if he wasn't hindered by his Liberal mindset.  I'll grant you that he really believes he's for the better, but, as with all Liberals (not to be confused with Democrats), he just blind to his own stupidity.

  He said he wants to not teach victimization, he doesn't want people to have a victim mentality, yet he's advocating reparations for what happened to people who are no longer alive.  He apparently does not see that such reparations are a victim mentality.  Reparations are fair for the people who were actively wronged, not the people who circumstantially may have "suffered" indirectly.

  If you were not a slave, then you're own nothing but the right to not be treated like one.  If you're poor and uneducated, and wanting to blame it on the enslavement of your ancestors, then what about all the poor and uneducated people whose ancestors were not slaves?

  If you seek to lay blame outside of yourself, then you are in the victim mentality.  If you do not want to have a victim mentality, then you accept your circumstances, and then work your ass off to solve the problem yourself.

  Another thing he talked about that stood out to me was in regard to the word, nigger.  He's of the opinion that no people should say "nigger".  I have not fundamental objection to that.  I find it a mostly useless word.  What I do disagree with is his belief that, basically, all people should be forbidden to say/use it.  Now that's the mark of a Liberal.

  Just a bunch of political correctness crap.  In other words censorship.  Now, what's the touted position the Liberals have on censorship?  Oh, yeah.  They're against it... unless it's something they don't like.

  He's also opposed to the "sanitization" of words.  Apparently he wants to forbid any "bad" word from acquiring a "good" meaning.  Because we can't have a person's intentions be what's important when they speak?  The word offends HIM, because of HIS interpretation of it.  No responsibility for one's own thoughts and emotions: another hallmark of a Liberal.

  On another note I saw a brief interview between Glenn Beck and Penn of Penn & Teller.  FYI, Glenn is an Independent Conservative, and Penn (& Teller) is a Libertarian.  That was an interview that filled my heart with joy.  That would be a "full" hour I'd love to watch.  On the one hand, a man for whom bullshitting is completely foreign, and a man who knows bullshitting inside and out, but does it only for entertainment.

  I never really settled into a political label for myself, and I still haven't, since it would be purely for entertainment value to me, anyway, but I'm think I might be a Conservative Libertarian, if such a thing can exist.  I'll explain.

  I'm a Libertarian in my belief in liberties for people.  Philosophically, I believe in a person's right to do as they choose and then reap the consequences of doing so.  I have a philosophical belief that no one has an inherent right to control you.  Within the realm of politics, I believe people should have the right to do whatever they want as long as it does not directly harm another person.

  My more subjective side is Conservative, however.  Subjectively, I'm aware that pure liberty has the great potential and probability to harm the populace as a whole.  As I said in a previous post, with every degree of safety gained, a degree of freedom is lost.  I'm conservative in my choice of behavior.  I look at the facts of a matter.  I try to be wise in my decisions.

  Politically, I forget who said it, but I agreed, and this can apply to Libertarianism as well, A government is at best, a necessary evil, and at worst, not to be tolerated.  But if a government is going to exist, and is going to do more than its intended job, then I'd say, for the greater good, let it be a truly Conservative one.  Let it be one that limits itself as much as it can to it's actual job: protecting its citizens from outside threats.

  Conservatism is a balance between Libertarianism and Liberalism.  It's somewhere between the citizens having near complete freedom from the government and having near absolute dependence upon the government.

  Keep that in mind whenever you hear someone complaining about what the government isn't doing for them.  Chances are, you're listening to a lazy person with a victim mentality.  The product of Liberalism.

  If everything I own is stolen, the government owes me nothing.  If I loose everything I own to a natural disaster, the government owes me nothing.  If someone beats the shit out of me, the government owes me nothing.

  If I or any citizen is harmed by a threatening outside force, the government damn well better get its shit together and make sure it doesn't happen again.  And a little something for anyone generally opposed to any kind of war, where compromise ends, war begins.  When any group seeks to destroy another group, war WILL happen, unless the other group is willing to completely surrender their lives.

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