Wednesday, March 14, 2007 Previous List Next
Random Stuff 14

  There's a business called Johnson Roofing.  I'm not sure I'll ever actually need a roof for my johnson, but it's nice to know I have options.

  I was in a checkout line, and I saw a tabloid with a picture of Britney Spears with only the top of her hair shaved off.  It was still long around the back.  Even that she could pull off.  I actually thought she looked better with the half hair than will full hair.

  So, Reverend Al Gore, of the Church of the Warming Globe, won an award for his fictional documentary.  It was deemed better than the documentary about pedophile priests and the one by Irshad Manji about radical Islam.

  Apparently a climate theory that's barely worth calling a theory is more important than pedophile religious authority figures and an extremist religion that wants to kill everyone not of that religion.

  Apparently, scientists have been observing Mars warming up.  Pardon me while I slip into my Liberal costume.

  This is just further evidence that humans are a destructive force.  Our irresponsible use of fossil fuels, nuclear power, and cow production is so bad that the effects of it are reaching other planets entirely.  Isn't it enough that we are going to cause our own planet to burn up?  Must we burn up Mars as well?

  Now I start to slowly peel off the Liberal costume.

  Why are we so arrogant that we think we can take over the job of the sun?  If there's going to be any warming or cooling of a planet, then let it be the sun that is the primary influence!  Stop presuming to be the sun!

  Now the Liberal costume is off completely.

  So, both Mars and the Earth appear to be experiencing a warming at the same time.  Hmm.  I wonder what could possibly be the cause of that.  The space ships and landrovers sent to Mars?  I'm going to go out on a limb and say maybe it's THE FREAKIN' SUN!!!

  Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm slipping into my Guy-Fed-Up-With-Idiots costume.

  This planet has gone through multiple warmings and coolings and has endured catastrophic asteroid hits, and the planet is still teaming with life.  What kind of arrogant idiot do you have to be to genuinely believe that it's humans and not THE FREAKIN' SUN that it causing what is so far only slightly over HALF a degree rise in the average temperature of the planet?

  Furthermore, how little respect must you have for nature to believe that humans have the power to destroy it all?  There's an expression: "Nature always finds a way."  Why do you think that expression even exists?  As long as this planet has been around, and as much at it has been through prior to the industrial age....  Give the planet a little freakin' credit.  Good grief.

  Here's a summary of what's been going on with me this and last week (today is Wednesday, March 7, by the way).

  My father bought a new PC and laptop.  Both have Windows Vista.  Our old printer is a Lexmark X6170, which has no Vista drivers, yet, so he also bought a new printer.

  We're switching to DSL tonight, so last night I was crawling around in the ceiling to run a Cat5 cable to my niece's room so she could get internet access in there.

  Last week, the business calls seemed never-ending, and the work was virtually non-stop.  Very long week.  Sunday was a wonderful break.  This week has been decent, as is evident by the fact that I'm writing this at all.

  Inspired by one of my MySpace friends, I created a quiz, which can be found here.

  Japanese chicks with English accents.  Bizarre.

  I'm not sure if I like these newer Hellraiser movies.  They're alright, in and of themselves, but as sequels, they're disappointing.  Pinhead makes little more than cameo appearances.  Pinhead used to be the point... well, I think pain was supposed to be the point, but you know what I mean.  Pinhead and the cinebites(sp?) were the thing to see.  Now, they're an afterthought.

"A North Pole expedition meant to bring attention to global warming was called off after one of the explorers got frostbite." -PATRICK CONDON, Associated Press Writer

  Bearing no ill will to the explorer, I still have to say HA!  HA HA HA!  HA HA HA HA... HA HA HA HA... HA... HA!  HA!

"Timothy Ball, a former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Canada, has received five deaths threats by email since raising concerns about the degree to which man was affecting climate change.

One of the emails warned that, if he continued to speak out, he would not live to see further global warming." -Tom Harper, Sunday Telegraph

  That can happen to you when you oppose the religion of extremists… or just people who stand to lose a butt-load of cash.

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