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Fang Woman Of Wal-Mart
Saturday, September 9, 2000

  It started with me a couple of other people going to what seemed to be like a summer camp site, except it was not being used for that, at the time.  There were a few other people around, but they were other places, so I never actually saw them.

  I was wanting to take a shower, so I was in the large bathroom area, and these showers and stuff were very abnormal looking.  I'm not going to even try to illustrate it.  It seemed that those showers were being used, or were about to be used by other people, so I went looking for some other shower.

  I go in and out of a couple of doorways, and the place is confusing as it is, then I go out one door, and suddenly I'm in what looks like a restaurant.  For whatever reason, the camp cabin thing is merged with a restaurant.  If you want to get from the bunks to the shower, you have to walk through part of the restaurant.

  I did find a shower, and I started to wash, but there were no more towels, so I got out and looked around, but the place was cleaned out, like this was a secondary bathroom that no one used much, so they didn't bother much to restock it.

  I remembered that there were towels in the other bathroom, so I start towards it, aware that I will have to walk through the dinning area, and I didn't really want to do so nude, so fortunately I had a shirt with me.  I tied the arms together at my back, so that at least my front would be covered, then I went to get a towel.

  Though I felt it was extremely weird to have such a merging, and though I had it in mind that in real life such a thing would not be appreciated by people eating, apparently it was different in the dream, because I walked through the dinning area, and no one paid me any mind.  They obviously all came in knowing about the place.

  The dream changed somewhat after I got the towel.  I'm dressed, and back out in dinning area, and the place is partially owned by all three of the sisters from Charmed.  This particular instant was rather brief; the sisters were each in different areas talking to different people.  I guess the dream was establishing their place.

  Suddenly, it's later in the day, and the restaurant is closed to customers.  Chairs are on tables, and there's a couple of employees in the kitchen.  Also, the place is now just a restaurant, and not partially a camp cabin, also, the restaurant looks different in other ways that are not too important.

  So, anyway, the Halliwell sisters and about two or three of their friends are staying to use the place for some kind of spell.  I'm there, but I'm mainly an observer.  I'm not sure of all the details, but it seemed like one of the friends, a blonde female, was wanting to see or talk to a dead loved one, though not in the seance sense.

  There was an area on the floor that appeared to be concrete raised about an inch or two, and the border around it was made up of smaller rectangular stones about 3 by 5 inches on the tops.  The raised area was not just a plain, flat surface.  In ways, it didn't seem entirely concrete.  It changed, depending on where I was and what was going on, but at times parts of it seemed to be dirt, and parts seemed to be wood.

  Anyway, they were starting.  I'm not sure exactly what actions they took, because the dream seemed to skip over that, but a dead person starts pushing up from the area.  The dream skipped again to them leaving, and I'm in the area.  There are other dead people trying to get out of the ground, and I guess I trip or something, because I suddenly find myself laying down, and there are corpse arms coming out of the (now) dirt trying to grab me.

  I hit at the arms, and doing so makes the given arm retreat.  There are a lot of arms, and it gets real funny for a brief moment, because it's like I laying their playing some undead version of Whack-A-Mole, and that thought actually does go through my mind as I'm doing this.

  I don't remember it happening, but I somehow managed to get up and walk away from the area, because I was suddenly walking through a store that seemed a lot like Wal-Mart, but had a different feel and look about it.  I was looking for something, though I didn't know what, and there was someone with me, though I never really looked at them to see exactly who it was.

  We are walking around, and in front of us is an older couple.  Both of them were on the plump side, and the husband had a beard and mustache and was in a wheel chair.  They were looking for something, but were having a mild argument about it.

  Due to some casual circling around, as can happen while shopping, they went passed us.  The wife was leading.  They were still talking, though he was the only one speaking at this point.  She passes by me, then he passes by me speaking to her somewhat quietly, but as soon as his head gets lined up with my body, he looks at me and says, in a more defined tone directed at me specifically, something to the effect of, 'Listen to all of what people say, because they can mean more than you think.' Then he just as quickly went back to speaking to his wife and basically ignoring us.  I wish I could remember his exact words, because they way he said it was far better and more profound sounding.

  Side note: That's happened more than a few times to me in my dreams.  Things will be going along "normally", then in one brief instant, and person right next to me will suddenly look at me, their face about one foot away, all my senses will focus on them, they'll say something pointed rather intently at me, and in a very defined tone, then everything goes back to normal, or I wake up, depending on what is said and the attitude of the dream.

  It genuinely feels like something or someone is, for that instant, trying to communicate something to me through my dreams.  Actually, I'm far closer to believing it's my subconscience wanting me to know something very specific, but at the moment it happens, it feels like a separate entity has managed to partially get into my mind to say something.

  Back to the dream.  I continue walking to a nearby part of the store, and somehow lose the person I was with along the way.  To my left, in front of me, is a sort of aisle display of something.  It's like when they stack bags of dog food, but this had a slightly different look.

  The whole thing was about 6 feet by 6 feet square on the top (at first), and about three feet high.  As I said, it was like bags of dry dog food, except the whole thing seems covered in something that dulled the view of the product, and the edges of the display were too sharp and well defined, almost as if it were a block.

  Well, that's what it was like when I suddenly found myself kneeling on top of the back end of it.  I have no idea why or how I got up there.  Suddenly this female appears in front of me, in a literal puff of smoke, standing on the other end of the display.

  Her entire body was white, and she had long black hair.  I have to point out that her physical appearance and the puff of smoke were all as if she were a living cartoon.  Her skin was not just pale. it was like cartoon white, though she was a 'real' person.

  Her hair was straight and jet black and came down to about the middle of her back.  She was wearing a white, semi embroidered gown, almost like a night gown, though it could also pass for daily casual wear.  And most importantly, she had four upper fangs.  No, she was not a vampire.

  She was not exactly human, but there was a sort of battle between good and evil inside her.  When the evil side came out, her fangs would show, her hair would kind of float a little, and she pretty much wanted to kill.  But, when her good, normal side came out, her hair would lay flat, no fangs, she had no desire to kill, and she was pretty much just all around extremely beautiful.

  I am speaking from a personal point of view, but she was extraordinarily beautiful, and it's partially due to minute physical features that I'm unable to illustrate to you.  Details about her facial features, etc....

  When she first appeared, she was all fangy, but her good side was trying to fight her bad side, as always, and for a moment she was just standing their in front of me, and was good.  Soon the bad side took control again, and she started to attack me.

  I don't recall what I did.  I don't know if I punched her, kicked her, or what, but she went flying backwards and landed on her back on her end of the display, which now seemed about 12 feet long.  Upon landing, she slid just a little, then came to a halt, and her dress flew up to about rib level.  It was about at this point that it becomes an erotic dream.

  It seemed that sexual stimulation quells her evil side, which does not explain why she went good after I somehow knocked her down.  So, she's good, and she props herself up on her elbows, trying to regain her senses.  I crawl over to her, and start running my hand up her body.

  I get to her torso, and she's now completely nude, laying back just enjoying it.  Her breast were a touch small, not that that was a bad thing.  Just something I took note of.  And her body was beautiful and white.  She was completely hairless apart from the hair on her head.

  I spent a fair amount of time licking and sucking her left breast, then gradually moved down to her vagina.  I spread her vaginal lips and saw that she was the same white even on the inside.  She had a rather small vagina, but I began licking and sucking it just the same.  I woke up very shortly after.

Here's something interesting.  I had that dream about a week before reading the following:

  They were almost finished when they saw approaching them a figure who appeared dressed all in white.  But as it came closer, they saw to their astonishment that it was a nude woman.  Her skin was the color of snow and she was completely hairless, even between her legs.  Her black hair fluttered wildly behind her as if it were composed of serpents.  Her face wide-eyed, demonic.  As she confronted them she turned, and they saw upon her back a gigantic spider.

-From the book, "White Ninja", by Eric Van Lustbader.

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