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Rottweiller & Recruitment
Saturday, September 08, 2001

  I had a couple of particularly noteworthy dreams, today.

  In the first one, I got a Rottweiler dog.  I'm not sure exactly how I got it, meaning that I don't know if I bought it, or if it was given to me, or some other means, but I don't believe I stole it, and I don't recall there being a person there from whom I got it, but I did not just find it either.

  I brought the dog home and was going to let it stay in my room.  My room was a bit different than it is in real life.  In the dream, I had no bed frame (the mattress lay directly on the floor) and it faced a different direction.  Also, my window was uncovered with some light coming in.

  The dog was a well mannered dog, but it did sort of insist on laying on my bed.  Something to note for later is that the dog wore a leash that was also its collar.

  Some things occurred that I don't recall, and I found myself in a field with the dog and a few other people who were of little consequence.  I'm not sure why I was there, but I soon found myself inside a wooden cabin somewhere else in the field, and it had a sort of camp feel, because there were a few other cabins, though I could not see them from mine.

  I looked outside and I saw a bear walking by.  I looked across what I could see, and then I saw a couple of lions walking around, and at this point, I noticed some trees, so it was more like we were in a thinly wooded area.

  Soon, I saw a short man in make up and some decoration, and I realized that there was a circus in the field, and all the animals had gotten loose.  I was a little worried about the animals hurting people.

  I had to go to another building in the area, so I was a little worried for myself as well.  Nothing was happen all too clearly but I'm now outside, and the Rottweiler turns into a man.

  He's about 6 feet tall, is somewhat handsome, is wear a light brown casual suit, and has dark brown short hair.  He is walking with me to protect me on the way to the other building.

  I'm suddenly in the other building, and it's large inside and has a number of long rows of wooden benches.  I'm not quite sure what was going on on the other side, but it seemed to be something passively entertaining.  There were some other people around, but, again, they were of little consequence.

  He and I were sitting on a bench, and he was still wearing the collar-leash, and I was holding onto it.  At this point in the dream, I had knowledge of his manner, because of what seemed to be a number of quick flashes of other instances that occurred seemingly out of place from everything else.

  I hesitate to say the man was kind, because it was more like kindness by default because he just was not mean to anyone, but also because he was completely loyal to me and to protecting me.  Don't forget that he was a dog.  He can turn from human to dog whenever he wants, but he stayed human for the rest of the dream.

  That's all I can recall of that dream.  The other dream started out as what was supposed to be The Matrix 2, though in real life, I have no idea what will happen in the actual movie.

  It seemed like it was taking place on another planet, though nothing seemed really alien.  It was just that things seemed more futuristic.  Keanu Reeves was with a couple of companions, and they were going through this large building full of people.  It was a sort of prison, though there were no bars.  Everyone in the building was captured, though free to walk around in the building.

  Keanu, or perhaps I should say Neo, seemed, at first to be wanting to help all the people, but he was going past many of them, ignoring them, until he came to a particular person.  This particular person was supposed to be someone special, like the people in Neo's group.

  Neo could tell just by looking at the person, and when he touched the person, the person (I didn't notice if the person was male or female) changed and flashed back and forth from looking normal to looking sort of techno.

  With that person was a few more, which Neo also touched and were special.  He continued through the building and out the back, and suddenly I'm on this space ship taking off from the building.  It was supposed to be a prisoner transport ship, and it was taking off as usual to take people from one part of the planet to another, but good guys were flying it.

  The dream was in a bit of a story line transition, at this point, because while Neo was searching for only a few people who were special, this ship had all the people on it.

  Now, I'm in a chair in a large room of the ship, and it's full of all the people, and they're all in what are similar to school desks.  At the front are a lot of futuristic machines and two large oval shaped glass monitor screens.  Their were also a few people standing there.

  At this point, it was no longer The Matrix 2, but now was new X-Men recruitment, though the X-men that the general real life public are familiar with are long since dead, except for Professor X.

  Still, I'm not fully aware of all this quite yet.  A man sitting in front of me was writing something in a notebook, and would have preferred to be left alone, but he was not impolite about my continuing to try to talk to him, and he did make responses.

  The man next to me had a very technical watch on, and when the guy in front of me responded to something I said, the guy next to me, would push a series of buttons on his watch.  It was as if he was timing the man's responses, but he was doing a whole lot more, because the read outs he kept showing me made no sense.

  A little later, though I don't recall what lead me to do this, I had the man who was in front of me (but was now to the back and left of me, because we were sitting elsewhere in the room) look into my eyes, and then he saw what I had seen when the guy had shown me his watch read outs.

  It was around this point that I realized that everyone in the ship had some sort of ability.  That particular guy's ability was to look into anyone's eyes and see anything they had seen or imagined in the passed ten or so minutes.

  The man didn't really want to talk about it, because he was still involved in whatever he was writing in his notebook, but I asked the man, "So, if I had a dream, but couldn't remember everything, and came to you right after waking up, you could look into my eyes and see all of the dream and tell me all of what happened?"

  He did confirm this, but the way he did it indicated that he was not really interested.  He seemed almost shy about the ability.

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