
  I have a bit of an interest in dreams.  A lot of times, my dreams are quite interesting.

  I have shared my dreams with others, and they are often amazed by not only the dreams themselves, but also by the amount of detail with which I recall them.

  Here is a list of my dreams of which I have made a record.  Most of them are dated, though a few are not, but they are listed in order.

  Some of the dreams were kindly interpretted by one Samm J. Bogner

Voice Of God

Voyager Ghosts

A Spiritual Dream

Hudson Leick

Aliens & Super Heroes

Leeloo of Arc

Play & Fall

Ghost Children

Private School Punks

Mob & Glow

Ghosts Of Objects

Other-Dimension Demons

Wrestler Hockey

The Bugs Bunny Rumor

Foot Squeezer & Hand Aliens

The Amusing Leader

Ghost In The Vase

Fang Woman Of Wal-Mart

Hannibal Lector Revisited

Batman Not So Beyond

Hand Of Clouds

Theme Stream Awards

Spider Bites

Water Mall

Two Stones

Head Transplants

Tim Burton

Intelligence Drain

Rottweiller & Recruitment

Sleep Walking

Asteroid Moon

Spirit Window

Skin Trade


Doll & Dayne

Linnear & Tire Eggs & More

SG-1 Meets Outer Limits

Baby Mission Impossible

Asian Pancake

Time Jumper

Africa & A Dragon

Unconscious Philippine Woman

Aliens After A Flood

To Live A Good Life

Burning Feather

Future Demon

Daytime Werewolves


Vision Tales Verse Homes Host Mind Song Paths Curios